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sinkingfeeling's Journal
sinkingfeeling's Journal
December 20, 2018

Oh, the lies we're told! Got this in my natural gas bill this month.

The billing line reads: TaxCuts & JobsAct Adj. $118.87 @ -10.16% 12.08 CR

Now that's so nice until you compare this bill to last year's. The Dielivery Charge for 300 CCF went up from $.3289 to $.453182 this year. If my math is right that's an increase of 37%.

After my 10.16% credit, the delivery cost still was 26.84% higher than last year.

So, how does "Lower taxes lead to a lower cost of delivering energy to our customers..."?
September 17, 2018

About girls and women not telling after they're attacked

When I was 15 years old, I went into Columbus to shop on a day we didn't have school. My mom was a secretary for a small insurance company and worked on the 12th. floor of a building housing multiple businesses.

As I was coming back to her office. I stepped into the elevator with a single man. He was probably 40 and dressed in jeans. As the elevator began its climb, he came up behind me and dropped to his knees. He placed one of his hands on each side of my leg and started up under my dress (this was the early "60s). I did not say a word. I shoved him off balance as my hand searched for the elevator buttons. Some how I hit like floor 7 and the doors suddenly opened. I tore out, but didn't even try to enter an office where help might have been. I ran around the corner and started down the stairs. He followed. I was faster and made it to the ground floor. Again, there were people everywhere, but I went out the door and ran up the busy street. He followed me for about two blocks before giving up and turning around.

I never told my parents nor sister nor best friend. I told no one until I told my husband about it 7 years later.

Why? I was ashamed that I tempted a man at age 15? I was ashamed some complete stranger had touched me? I don't know. My mother passed away in 2015 at 96. I'm now 70 and I never told her.

September 13, 2018

I had to release my best friend of the last 14 plus years this morning.

Hank came to me as a teenager, about 14 or 15 months old, back in 2004. He was pulled from a shelter in northern Kentucky by an American Eskimo Rescue in Ohio. It was there that he became the BFF of another Eskie, Sugar. It was estimated that Sugar was 10 to 12 months older than Hank.

I found Sugar on Petfinders and was given the opportunity to adopt him. My mom and sister were in Ohio and went by to check him out and discovered the deep bond between Hank and Sugar. I decided to adopt them together.

Sugar lost his right front leg to cancer in 2012. I lost him suddenly the day after Thanksgiving last year.

Hank had lost his hearing and could only see light and blurs. He had a rough attack of vestibular syndrome on Jan. 27th., spent 5 days in hospital and had a CT scan. He recovered fairly well physically, but seemed not to remember anything from his former life. He needed help finding his food and water. I carried him up and down stairs every day. He slept with me every night for over 14 years.

About this time last night, he became unstable on his feet and vomited his dinner. I knew it was another attack of the vestibular syndrome. I rushed him to our emergency clinic where they could start IV fluids and watch him overnight. I picked him up there at 6:30 AM and took him directly to our vet's office. He barely stirred. She said she doubted he could recover again, so I sent him to rejoin Sugar.

I've cried until I don't think I can cry any more. And I keep looking for him. How can I sleep tonight without my Hankie Boo next to me? I loved him. It hurts so much to see them go.

August 12, 2018

This sums up the 'Trump GOP' perfectly.


"You've heard me say this many times before: It’s not heaven if everybody gets to go.  The best part about Conservative Heaven isn’t being up there with Jesus, no, it’s gloating at the poor saps burning forever down below. Ha ha HAH. We’re Saved, fuck you, losers! And that horrible selfish religion shapes everything else. We got ours, our healthcare, our food, our clean water, our homes, our jobs, our retirement, our stock options, our savings, our opportunity, our salvation, so fuck you. The best part of America is that everybody doesn’t get to go. There’s no point in privilege if everybody is privileged. You can’t think of yourself as exceptional if everybody is exceptional. There’s no point in being rich if everybody else is rich too. They see liberty and justice and freedom as a zero sum game. If others get more, they are somehow diminished, lessened, cheated of their exalted status and made average.

This is the very core of modern Republicanism where everything is for profit, prisons, healthcare, education, religion, civil rights, equality, justice, liberty, all of it for money. And so long as you get yours, well, then to hell with everybody else because there’s not enough to go around and heaven isn’t heaven if everybody gets to go.

These people are almost literally the rich sons of bitches who rowed away from the Titanic in half empty lifeboats as 1500 people drowned in freezing water behind them. Fuck you, losers! I got mine."

July 24, 2018

Well, I booked my fall trip to Russia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania,

Poland, and the Czech Republic. If Russia invades one of the Baltic states, I'll have a ring side seat.

July 1, 2018

I loved this. (What am I doing wrong embedding Tweet??)

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">"excuse me, do you have a moment to talk about our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ?" <a href="https://t.co/ly9tyfYVLy">pic.twitter.com/ly9tyfYVLy</a></p>— Paul Bronks (@BoringEnormous) <a href="https://twitter.com/BoringEnormous/status/1013479013287911425?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">July 1, 2018</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

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Gender: Do not display
Hometown: Illinois
Member since: 2003 before July 6th
Number of posts: 51,873
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