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louis c

louis c's Journal
louis c's Journal
October 23, 2017

Wow. A quote that explains so much with so few words.

Democracy Quotes

There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.

Isaac Asimov 1980


October 20, 2017

A simple rule for honoring our "heroes" and erecting statues or monuments

Here's the simple rule that I suggest when considering whether a statue or monument shall be displayed in the United States.

There shouldn't be a statue displayed anywhere, either on public or private property, that can be construed as celebrating or honoring an individual who has committed treason against the United States.

Obviously, any soldier or official of the Confederacy is guilty of treason. They're wearing their God Damned uniforms in the monuments.

Definition of Treason;

What is the definition of treason in the US?

"Treason against the United States shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open Court.

October 17, 2017

Where in the tax plan does it say wages must increase?

The bullshit I hear from the Trump spokespeople is uncanny. They must think we're all morons.

Corporate tax cuts are written in the bill, estate tax elimination is written in the bill, lower rates for the rich are written in the bill.

If the bill passes, they tell us, then the average, working American gets a $4,000 wage increase, but that's not written in the bill, that's just supposed to happen through osmosis.

I work in the union Collective Bargaining Agreement business. Let me tell you that very rarely does any business pay a worker more than they have to. Without union contracts, only competition can increase wages, not the goodness anybody's heart. With unemployment at 4.2%, if wages haven't increased as a result of supply and demand, giving more money to Wal-Mart or McDonald's won't make them pay more. Either a union or minimum wage laws will increase wages. Tax cuts for the wealthy never have and never will result, by themselves, in higher wages.

October 17, 2017

Donald Trump was correct, most American Presidents did not call families of fallen service personnel

There have been 44 Presidents of the United States. Grover Cleveland served as the 22nd and 24th Presidents, as his terms were not consecutive. Trump is actually the 45th President, but he is only the 44th person to serve in that office.

Ironically, the telephone was invented in 1876, during the first term of Grover Cleveland, then, our 22nd President. As a result, most (defined as a majority) of Presidents were unable to "phone" the families of our deceased service personnel.

Lincoln, our 16th President never made a phone call, since the phone was yet to be invented.

So, when the fucking no good piece of shit, Moron in Chief, says that most Presidents didn't make calls to console the grieving families of soldiers who made the ultimate sacrifice, he was technically correct. But it doesn't detract from the fact that he's a fucking moron, and he did not mean it in the historical way I have explained here.

October 16, 2017

Massachusetts Business Owner Destroys His Brand After Photo with Trump Published

<snip>By Laurie Loisel Globe Correspondent October 16, 2017

HOLYOKE — Business owners in Western Massachusetts apparently associate themselves with the 45th president at their peril.

Just ask Dave Ratner, owner of Dave’s Soda and Pet City, a small chain of shops selling the unlikely combination of pet supplies, birds, fish, and beverages for humans. Ratner attended President Trump’s signing of an executive order authorizing changes to the Affordable Care Act designed to create cheaper — and less comprehensive — health insurance plans. An Associated Press photograph of the event, with Ratner smiling broadly behind Trump, has come back to haunt him, big time.

“It was 42 years of building a wonderful brand and having it destroyed in one day,” said Ratner, interviewed Sunday morning after what he terms “the worst two days of my life.”<snip>

<snip> For some of Dave’s customers, that explanation is not good enough. Comments on the company website and on social media have been brutal. Some have called him a scumbag or a fool. In an interview with the Globe, Ratner was moved to tears several times.

Ratner’s Northampton store manager, Shannon Durand, said her shop has been swamped with angry phone calls. Most people, she said, “just wanted to yell.”<snip>


October 15, 2017

I repeat my suggestion to settle NFL dispute

Let's remember, you try to settle a dispute when you have the most leverage.

If the linked is agreed to, the players can claim victory. After all, this protest is not about the flag or the anthem. It's to bring awareness to a problem.

My suggested settlement certainly brings awareness to the problem, by the employer (the NFL).

After all, the NFL does not have the power to solve the problem of equality in this country, only to heighten the awareness of the problem. This proposed settlement does that.

Repeat of Previous post:

I negotiate Union contracts for a living. here's my suggestion to settle the NFL dispute.

Reduce this problem to a labor-management negotiation. It is legal, under labor law, to negotiate a new work rule between the parties.

The players will be obliged to stand for the National Anthem for each game (the NBA has this work rule in effect currently, so it can be mandated by an agreement).

In return, the NFL agrees:

(1). To make a "good faith effort" to employ Colin Kapinack this season.

(2). To dedicate one week a season to Equality Awareness. The League will commit $100 Million dollars (Edit: or other mutually agreed upon sum: end Edit) to charities that help in this awareness. The charities will be chosen by the parties (NFL and NFLPA).

(3). That one week a year (in 2017, it will be the week that Miami and Tampa play, which means there are no bye teams), the Battle Hymn of the Republic will be sung before each game that week, prior to the National Anthem. The American Flag will be a replica of the flag fought under by the Union Soldiers during the Civil War.

(4). The NFL, at its own expense, will run at least two public service, 30 second commercials during each game (Edit: in the entire season End edit), approved by the union, promoting equality in the United States.


October 14, 2017

Know your history. Don't think for a minute it couldn't happen here...again

Is this what Donald Trump means when he says "Make America Great Again?"

Additional info: Night at the Garden, documentary:
October 13, 2017

So few Americans have even a basic understanding of the Iran deal.

First off, the sanctions were multi-lateral and negotiated by Hilary and Obama. It was a tremendous accomplishment. Sanctions only work if all the principal players are on board. We had China, Russia, the UK, France and the rest of the EU with us.

We blocked oil from them to major countries, banking, military weapons, spare parts, everything. The sanctions were effective because we had a strong coalition.

Iran wanted to talk. The deal was negotiated, not just with us, but with all the parties. Russia and China pressured us. They were willing to pull out of the sanctions. So was Europe. We had to make the best deal we could, and in the end, it was good for the United States. Too many of our voting citizens (61 million, who have proven to be morons) think that this was a deal just between Iran and us. If we re-impose sanctions, nobody is going to follow us. Iran will have no problem trading with the rest of the coalition, and we will be the ones isolated. They can bank through France, the UK and Switzerland. They can sell oil to China and buy Gas from Russia. Iran can get military supplies from Russia and China, as well as spare parts. We're far from the only game in town. In return, since we pulled out of the deal, Iran doesn't need to grant inspections.

As for the "billions of dollars in cash" that we gave the Iranians during the initial deal, that wasn't our money. That was Iranian money, frozen since the Revolution as payment for fighter jets that were never delivered. All we did was return their money, which was our obligation under international law. It was delivered in cash, because the sanctions were still in place until the deal was finalized. With the sanctions in place, no one could use the banking industry with Iran, as a result, paid in cash.

If Iran broke the deal, every partner, including China and Russia would have to re-impose the sanctions. But if we break the deal, all bets are off. The United States' Moron in Chief has put us in an awful position and now we are up to our necks in shit on this issue.

October 12, 2017

Who's in the Room with Trump for Today's Executive Signing on Health Care?

executive action signing

Any minute now, Trump will sign an executive action on health care. Here's a look at some of the people who will be in the room:
•Sen. Rand Paul
•Rep. Virginia Foxx
•Rep. Greg Walden
•David Barr, owner of Taco Bell/KFC
•Mitch Cohen, owner of Jersey Mike’s Franchisee
•Thomas R. Baber, owner of IHOP and Money Mailer

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Gender: Male
Hometown: Boston
Home country: USA
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Member since: Fri May 14, 2004, 05:52 PM
Number of posts: 8,652

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