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greiner3's Journal
greiner3's Journal
December 18, 2012

All in all, the greedy basterds, especially this time of year!

this is in response to a Poll by MSNBC;


John Boehner has proposed raising taxes for those earning more than $1 million, while President Obama wants to raise rates on those making more than $250,000. Should $1 million a year be considered rich, or is $250k the right level?"

"Yes, $250k a year is rich, especially compared with the average U.S. family income (54557)
No, $250,000 doesn’t go very far today (68601) - your vote
Depends on where you live (38602)

While I do support SOME of those who live in, say, Manhattan or a few other SELECT Zip Codes, there can't be THAT many people who do.

All in all, the greedy basterds, especially this time of year!

December 17, 2012

"The aliens tried to microwave the baby; again!"


December 14, 2012

WTF is wrong with these people?

From FreeRepublic (so you don't have to);


An emotional Obama: 'They had their entire lives ahead of them'


LOOK AT THE MAN’S BODY LANGUAGE! He’s not sorrowful, he’s angry and vengeful. There’s vengence in his eyes. He’s ramping up the anti-gun spin machine.

Hold on to your hats, folks. This is going to get real bad real quick."

2 posted on 12/14/2012 1:13:01 PM PST by rarestia (It's time to water the Tree of Liberty.)

Despicable demogogue, exploiting this tragedy to aggrandize himself. What chicken squat we have in the White House.

3 posted on 12/14/2012 1:14:02 PM PST by hinckley buzzard

obama used this tragedy for a PHOTO OP for himself...

how disgusting..he has no emotion, as a phony and fake can not show honest feeling...they make believe and act..

He makes me physically ill.


Note, this is one of the few of the now more than 72 responses to this one post. I'm sure there are others as this was posted an hour after it hit the wires)

"Yeah, I agree. He must have had to fake being sad that elementary school kids and teachers were slaughtered. I bet he laughed out loud when he heard the news. Hey, maybe he was crying because he was disappointed there were survivors? "

There are so many more Compassionate Conservative remarks but I could only get just so far down the list.

Where do people learn to hate so much?

November 7, 2012

My Degrees of Separation to President Obama;

Went from 2 to 1 tonight.

I work the polls in Columbus OH.

An out of state poll watcher and I struck up a conversation and I find out she is from Chicago and is a Civil Rights specialist.

THEN she looks at me and tells me President Obama taught two of her classes.

I felt honored and humbled.

She was amazing and hearing the few quips she told about her 'old law prof' was something I'll remember for some time.

October 21, 2012

"...Tommy Thompson, hunted by U.S. marshals..."

But the entire lead paragraph reads;

"Shipwreck salvager Tommy Thompson, hunted by U.S. marshals and labeled a swindler by investors from central Ohio, secretly lived in a secluded Florida mansion for six years, paying the $3,000 monthly rent in cash and keeping utilities in a rental agent’s name so he couldn’t be tracked..."

This the guy who found an old shipwreck with millions of dollars of gold in the 90s.

The local paper's headline caught my name and I could only begin to control my anxiety when I continued to read.

Oh, but if it had been...


October 4, 2012

In chess;

The object is to capture the king. ANY other piece is expendable as long as this objective is obtained.

With that in mind, some of the greatest games involve sacrificing even the queen. This leads to a forcing mate, if the person on offense is astute to be able to see x amount of moves further than his opponent.

This is also accomplished by knowing how his opponent will react in certain situations and taking advantage of these 'tells.'

I have long recognized President Obama's apparent knowledge and skill at the game. He knew Romney would and could take him down if President Obama used his record on the economy.

Yes, yes, I do know that he has done wonders with getting us out of possibly the end of America's 'Golden Age' and plunging the world into complete devastation, politically and economically. This would lead to worldwide anarchy and the wars that would inevitably follow would lead to a worldwide power vacuum.

Ok, my point is that President Obama's showing last night was a must. He has 2 debates to go. His record with the next 2 debate topics are shining examples of what the, still, undecided voter will remember in the 2-3 weeks prior to election day.

Right now Nate Silver has President Obama's chances of winning the election at 86.1%. Intrade's percentage also dropped from a little over 70% to 66.1% this morning. I believe the other 'betting' sites also gave Romney the same small percentage gain.

Nate's article posted this morning concerning last night's debate gives Romney a 'field goal.' Nate says it will take a week to see if Romney will get any or how much of a bounce because of this.

President Obama can flub the next 2 debates. That would be terrible, bordering on catastrophic.

BUT, President Obama has proven himself time and time again he does not break under pressure. Don't forget this, and I regret I can't find that picture that came out 4 years ago;

Don't worry, I've got this!


October 4, 2012

"Ohio high court: Police get leeway to question juveniles."

"However, a divided Ohio Supreme Court ruled yesterday that juvenile criminal suspects are not entitled under state law to be represented by an attorney while being interrogated by officers."

"Justice Terrence O’Donnell, who wrote the court’s 4-3 opinion, emphasized that while criminal defendants have a federal constitutional right to legal counsel, state law does not separately grant that right to juveniles."

Of course this will be appealed to SCOTUS.

Do you think this will be a chance the Robert's Court will have to strike down that 'nasty and pesky' Miranda decision?

September 25, 2012

" Dad could face charges after toddler finds gun, shoots him."


"A 24-year-old Marion man whose toddler accidentally shot him this weekend could face charges of endangering his children, police said today."

"Call was shot around 3 p.m. on Sunday when his son, who is almost 3, found the gun while Call slept on the couch. Police said the only other person in the house at the time was Call’s 5-year-old daughter. No one else was hurt."

"Call would be the second central Ohio father charged this year in a gun-related incident. In May, a 3-year-old Knox County boy found his dad’s gun and shot himself in his head. In that case, the toddler, Lucas Heagren, died. His father, Joshua Heagren, 25, has been charged with endangering a child, a third-degree felony, and with a misdemeanor count of negligent homicide."

Then, the ubiguitiuos;

...central Ohio chapter of the Buckeye Firearms Association says, "“The anti-gun people will always try to put the blame as a whole on everybody,” Walker said. “ But that would be like blaming all the people who drive vehicles for the actions of one drunk driver.”"

Now this is wrong!!!!!!!!!! The toddler was just following the NRA's mantra of, "Everyone needs to be carrying.'

Imagine if a burglar tried to enter while the dad was asleep. The kid could have shot him/her. Or the neighborhood bully had tried to pick a fight and the toddler had felt threatened, "George Zimmernan, George Zimmerman,' especially if the bully HAPPENED to be ethnic.

Come on NRA, get your lawyers involved in this. This is why I support the NRA, am a member AND I VOTE!!!!!!!!

September 18, 2012

Update on the Michele and rodeo 'mishap.'

"Three board members (of the rodeo) told The Tribune the announcer was Ed Kutz of Arroyo Grande, but that fact has yet to be officially confirmed. Barrett called Kutz asking him to publicly apologize, but has yet to get a hold of him."


"Hayhurst has performed at the event for several years, but is an independent contractor and not officially affiliated with the rodeo, said Creston Classic Rodeo board member Mike Barrett. Speaking on behalf of the rodeo’s nine-member board, Barrett said that the board is not responsible for the joke and will ask Hayhurst for a letter addressing the issue and a public apology. The board will discuss at its next meeting if it will fire Hayhurst, and will review scripts for future performances by any clown. “We probably won’t be using his services in the future,” Barrett said of the clown."

So did this guy run for the Republican nomination also and we just missed him?

August 20, 2012

I just beat Romney's 13%.

I am on SSDI. I get about 20,000/year. Since this is my only income, I thought it would be fun to see how much in 'taxes' I pay a year. I'm sure there are more items and I can only estimate my taxes paid via sales tax as I don't keep receipts. BTW, I don't pay ANY personal income tax;

Property Taxes $2,400
Gas (0.464/gallon 35 mpg 12,000 miles) $160
License Plates $54
General Sales Tax (6.5%) (Say I bought $2,000 last year) $135
Pro Rate of Driver’s License $5
Tax on Phone and Cable Bill $84
Liquor Tax (Not a big drinker) $18

Total $2,696

As a percent of income 13.5%

As to my LARGEST cost, other than the total mortgage, health care;

Medicare monthly premium $ 99
No Part D but monthly cost for 5 prescriptions $ 79
Cost of 1 admit to Hospital $1,000
18 Primary Care co-pays @$16 per $ 288
Other Medical costs, etc... $3,800

Total $5,266

This is the average over the last 3 Years for Medcial

The Principal, Interist and Insurance of my Mortgage $ 432/Month
Budget Plan Gas, Internet (No Cable TV) and Electric $ 180/Month
Gasoline $ 40/Month
Car Insurance/Month $ 28/Month
Food/Month (I don't eat much and grow a LOT of veggies) $ 80/Month
Student Loan Payment/Month $ 328/Month
Cat Food, Litter, Yearly Vet Visits (2 Cats) $ 290

Total For 'Other' $13,346

Grand Total $21,578

Subtract From Yearly SSDI $20,000

Equal -$1,578

So I Have/Month to Spend on Misc and Discretionary -132/Month in the Hole

I did Have a Bit of Money in Savings and 401k But that is near $-0 now.

I Need a Car Battery, Oil Change, etc... That will add to my negativity.

13.5% Mitt!

Profile Information

Gender: Male
Hometown: Columbus OH, sort of...
Member since: Sun Nov 13, 2005, 12:17 PM
Number of posts: 5,214

About greiner3

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