Bob Loblaw
Bob Loblaw's JournalThe most dangerous place in D.C.
is between Lindsey Graham and a television camera.
Not counting Westboro Baptist
Can you think of any other public figure in history who has been told not to attend a funeral? Twice, if you count Barbara Bush's.
Hey Trump, you're not welcome at my funeral either.
I hate to say this
but how does the forced separation of children from their parents and incarcerating them not pave the way for future radicalization and terrorist attacks by these parents or by the children when they grow up?
What would Democrats do?
I've read many columns and heard many opinions on what republicans would do if Obama had done the things that Trump has done. I say we try a different standard for such an argument. The question should be what Democrats would have done if Obama had done the things Trump has done. I think the answer is that they would not have stood by twiddling their thumbs making excuses for it and would have done something to stop him from his wayward behavior.
Noted 60's author pens long awaited sequel
Author of the classic tomes of my youth Stains on My Mattress and The Ballad of Rusty Bedsprings,
I. P. Freely will soon release another destined to be classic: I was Trump's Strumpet. Look for it on Amazon soon.
Rhetorical Trump pardon questions
Will he tweet regarding the quality of the turkey's thank you for the pardon? Will those tweets depend on the color of the turkey? If dissatisfied with the thank you, will he muse about sending the bird back to Turkey?
Has Trump bragged about the size of his
"audience" with the Pope yet?
"My audience with the Pope was much bigger than Obama's. It was the largest audience with the Pope in the history of Pope audiences. Did you see all those people in there? What a tremendous audience."
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Member since: Sun Oct 22, 2006, 12:16 PMNumber of posts: 1,900