42bambi's JournalI have a serious question. If Trump refuses to leave the White House when
Biden wins, can President Biden use an executive order to remove him?
How to put an end to the Trumpocratic Party. VOTE! Our lives depend on that one
single thing that we can do for each other. This is about everyone of us, no exceptions, no excuses.
COVID-19 has started a war against we
humans. Here in the US the COVID-19 Virus General has enlisted approximately 30% of warriors who are anxious to mingle out and about. As the warriors take the virus from shore to shore, and while the targets are in full view, the attack begins. No one sees the weapon, no one hears the weapon, no one feels pain, no one has fallen. The warriors are on the beaches, in the restaurants, at a bar
open and ready for the kill. This war, along with it's warriors, have an agenda using nothing more than selfishness. While clearly visible, and in progress, how do we the 70% overtake the COVID-19 warriors, when we have no leader?
Didn't Trump think that standing in front of a boarded up church might remind people
that he's responsible for the carnage. That's what I noticed ... the appearance of a conflict.
Trump, look out your window, see your incredible rally - against you, it may actually
be your largest ever. See what you did. It's a perfect rally.
Too much thinking going on in my head! Let's program a microchip that detects a
virus - implant the chip into the body - design/program a scan chip instrument to be used to enable a person to scan the chip daily for a virus; will send a report to your android - date, time, positive or negative. Just a simple summary - what say you?
My Dear Americans, We now have a war on our home ground and our Dear
Leader is not providing the necessary weapons to win the war.
Anyone know where Melania is hiding out?
Bernie's message to many of his followers is to stir up
desperation and anger, then excitement, eventually promising them stair steps to hope. Their reaction is expected based on Bernie's actions. Eventually this continued action/reaction results in an emotional experience that satisfies some voters quest to be "taken care of." Each time they meet up in a rally they are being reassured by Bernie, the guy that understands them, and is looking out for "them!" When in reality this path that Bernie's has taken his voters on hasn't been completely laid out to the extent where I'm unsure whether his policies and promises are understood by them. They only "feel" an outcome that's in their favor and are justifiably dug in. My hope for them is if Bernie loses this election they remain active in whatever it is that drives them to keep fighting the good fight.
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