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Separation's Journal
Separation's Journal
October 18, 2018


Hopefully, the first shots of this Civil War will be "civil" and on November 6th, 2018. a clear message will be sent to the White House and the rest of his criminal cabal.

October 18, 2018

It had to happen. A Catholic exorcist said he plans to hold a mass for Supreme Court Justice

Brett Kavanaugh next weekend after a group of witches announced their plans to gather in Brooklyn to publicly hex him. I posted earlier here how silly it was and its gone from silly to mauve.

Now a Catholic Exorcist said Conjuring up personified evil does not fall under free speech,” Father Gary Thomas, who serves as an exorcist for the Diocese of San Jose, Calif., told The National Catholic Register.

Im living in a world where the President of this country has talked about banning or censoring the media, pulling NBC off the air, has had a full-time war against the media. Then a journalist who was kicked out off of the kingdom not for writing about the Saudi Family, but writing about then President-elect Trump, and walks into a Saudi consulate and gets murdered.
Donald Trump threatens to shut down NBC and other TV news networks that criticize him

Then our President gives the same excuse to Muhammad bin Nayef as he did to Brett Kavanaugh, saying "well he told me he didn't do it, and I believe him." It may not have been 5th Avenue where he declared he could shoot somebody and nobody would care, but the fact is he may as well pulled the trigger himself.

October 16, 2018

Wow, I totally get why the Pubs were freaking out about witches casting spells on them.

So I was wandering through my morning articles and came upon this article HERE

It's called 24 urban legends that are actually true. Well the second one is about Colonel Bucks reaccuring tombstone stain in the shape of a leg.

Legend has it he sentenced a witch to die by fire, and during the burning one of her legs came rolling out of the fire and she supposedly put a curse on his final resting place. This stain has been removed several times and keeps coming back mysteriously "staining"his final resting place. 🧙?♀️

So on Spooktober 20th, some witches from Brooklyn will publicly place a hex on Brett Kavanaugh (I'm sure itll fill the 15 min time slot on the newz)

I think instead of maybe staining his Tombstone (I mean really, who would ever go to visit?). Maybe place a Gorbachev style stain on his face.

Obviously the Republicans are freaking out over this.

October 16, 2018

I'd love to see a federal voting holiday.

As it stands now, there are very few excuses other than disenfranchisement to not vote these days. With online registering, to early voting, I cant think of an excuse not to. Unless, like said earlier you fit into the group of being disenfranchised.

I heard a report that there is still like %10-%15 UNDECIDED voters. How can that be?!

I mean by now there is very little that Trump is going to do or say that will change the mind of most voters. I believe that this election is going to either be a stamp of approval of a big fuck you to Trump. I mean, if you vote for a Republican, that in essence is a vote for Trumps ability to continue stacking the courts, having Republicans in charge of the Senate where a lot of investigatory power comes from. So anything less than a Democratic majority come the morning of Nov 7th, imo is a checkmark for Trump.I think it would be a great time to bring it up and then come the New Year when both the Senate and House is blue a perfect time to implement it. Then we can start a few more investigations.

I have never quite seen anything like this before, and I'd be willing to bet that nobody here has either.

October 16, 2018


The phrase, cutting ones nose off to spite the face, pops up in my mind.

I'm in Tn, and love the fact that Beto is getting lotsa coverage. But we have a couple knife fights here that I'm worried about as well. I can only hope the "Taylor Swift" effect/affect(?) kicks in here for the Democrats running. I havent heard of any meaningful polls since she threw her hat in with us, other than that garbage poll of Blacburn %14 ahead (it was an outlier and an older poll) But I'm not one to base my hope on an unknown affect, and have been donating my time and money towards Bredesen.

October 15, 2018

So I got to thinking about something today

I had mistakenly taken the apathy of, to the deaths of Syrians, Iraqis, and others to some sort of racism. I got to thinking of WWII, and the complete and total war, that Europe waged on each other. It doesnt have anything to do with race. Humans dont just have much empathy to other humans. The firebombings of Dresden, the indiscriminate bombings of London, and other European cities throughout the war.

I hope our children are paying attention.

October 12, 2018

Americans Strongly Dislike PC Culture

I was reading this article and I think it directly relates to an earlier post about why kids arent voting in the numbers like we think they should.

In the topic, I challenged the notion that todays kids dont like being preached to. That they do and have their own opinions. Of course it was inferred by somebody that I of course "preached" to my kids, which of course is not true. Maybe preached, was the wrong word I was looking for (which as a budding writer I am finding out that I need to be more clear and concise.

As our kids get older, they are forming their own opinions. However as kids most arent thinking of their future. It's why summers seemed to fly by when we were younger. We were living in the now, as were our parents and grandparents and on and on, even during times of war. We, as we get older start to think of our future. It's why. . . Holy shit, it's almost Christmas again, where did the year go?!

I believe that along with a few other reasons, this anti pc culture is a direct connection to why Trump was elected. Give the article a read.


October 7, 2018

Beware of fake reports from "Democrats"

I read an article yesterday that was called, 'How the Democrats Killed the Blue Wave'. I wont link to it, but it was written by a woman that works for The Independent Woman's Voice. One would think, "Oh wow, obviously this is written by a Democrat and things just arent looking good."

However, I did some looking (some may have already known but I sure didnt) and this is what I found.

The Independent Women's Voice describes itself as a "nonpartisan, nonprofit organization that supports women and families by providing women with fact-based evidence showing how conservative free market solutions advance prosperity, freedom, and greater choices." This election cycle, IWV has been suggesting that Clinton's policies are worse than Trump being accused of sexual misconduct and praising Trump's childcare plan.

What you have here is a group that claims to be nonpartisan and independent and focused on women’s issues, issues of interest to moderate women that is, in fact, heavily political and spends millions of dollars to elect some pretty extreme Republicans," Arn Pearson, the group's general counsel, told NBC News.

I think the media has a responsibility to show who these people are that they are giving a voice to, and by show. I mean a paragraph or two who are paying their bills and who are actually promoting them. Not just a link to the authors name at the bottom of a page. Whether it's a panel of "experts" on a news segment, or an article linked by them.

Of course this would require honesty from the corporations that sign the checks.
October 5, 2018

Wild weekend weather pattern to exhibit nation divided by extremes

Source: Washington Post

It’s that time of year where the seasons change. But this weekend, the season you get might not be fall. It could feel like spring, summer or winter depending on where you live — all thanks to a highly amplified jet stream pattern set to spill wacky weather over the Lower 48. The contrasts will be stunning.

The jet stream, diving south across the Western states, will unleash unusually cold weather and, in the mountains, snow. But, like a seesaw, the jet stream will bulge northward over the eastern United States, allowing warm tropical air to follow by Sunday. In the middle, over the Plains and Upper Midwest, stormy conditions will prevail.

Monday could feature a greater threat of some big-time boomers across a more widespread area. As the upper-level energy associated with the dip in the jet stream ejects eastward out of the Rockies, cold air aloft will overspread the region. Destructive winds to 75 mph and tennis-ball-size hail could accompany the nastiest storms.

To the east of the storms, the jet stream will energize repeated rounds of heavy rainfall. A slug of one to three inches is set to fall from the southwest suburbs of Chicago to Lubbock, Tex. — beginning Saturday in spots and wrapping up sometime midweek.

Read more: https://www.msn.com/en-us/weather/topstories/wild-weekend-weather-pattern-to-exhibit-nation-divided-by-extremes/ar-BBNZva6?li=BBnb7Kz

So for any of the Republicans out there lurking. Keep telling yourself that Climate Change isn't real and that we shouldn't be doing anything about it. It's only going to get worse. You won't have to deal with this because the repercussions won't happen until you're long gone. It'll be your kids and grandkids that get to clean up this mess, and it'll be too late by then.

October 4, 2018

Blind Willie Johnson

I just finished watching a documentary on Voyager 1 & 2. Some of the topics that they were talking about were how long the records would last (long past the time of humans) possibly longer than a billion years from now.

Song #26 Dark Was The Night, Cold Was The Ground by Blind Willie Johnson is on there. He recorded this song in 1927, long before the thoughts of satellites leaving our SolarSystem. He was born on January 25, 1897, both parents were sharecroppers. Its said that he was blinded at around the age of 7 or 8, either by his stepmother throwing a caustic substance into his eye, or looking at a solar eclipse (depending on who and where you hear the story from). He had varying success, but ended up dying in Chicago in 1945 after his house burnt to the ground and became homeless. I don't think Blind Willie Johnson would ever dream that his music and voice are now on this record traveling through the cosmos. When I listened to the song, it was both haunting and, ironic. Thinking about the vast emptiness of space and the fact that the son of Sharecroppers could possibly be the introduction from us to another species. It was definitely a nice break from everything else going on.

You can hear the song

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Gender: Male
Hometown: None
Home country: USA
Current location: The hills of Tn.
Member since: Wed Oct 3, 2012, 11:05 PM
Number of posts: 1,975

About Separation

Proudly retired from the military, Marine Corps & Coast Guard. Now spending much deserved time with my two children who I love with all my heart, and my wife who I am not complete without her.
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