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guillaumeb's Journal
guillaumeb's Journal
March 19, 2020

Remember that in any crisis, or situation, and depending on the outlook,

Trump takes the credit, but never the blame.

March 19, 2020

If anyone truly wishes to refuse those TrumPayoff checks, I have a suggestion.

I am the official "designated processor" for those refused checks. Simply send them to me and I will handle the rest.

After subtracting a truly nominal handling. processing, and remailing charge, I will quickly send the remainder to your designated recipient. At this point, I estimate that portion to be $15.43.


March 18, 2020

Coronavirus Pandemic Reveals Just How Devastating the Greed of For-Profit Insurance Industry...

Coronavirus Pandemic Reveals Just How Devastating the Greed of For-Profit Insurance Industry Has Become

From the article:

A word to the wise: During this coronavirus crisis, keep an eye on every move of my old industry: health insurers. Behind the PR spin, they’ll be doing everything they can to deny care and maintain profits while making it look like they’re heroes.
Don’t be fooled by the industry’s campaign to make us think they’re good corporate citizens truly interested in your health and well-being. Take it from me, a former insider: what they truly care about are profits.

That couldn’t have been more evident than the speed with which the industry’s trade group, America’s Health Insurance Plans (AHIP), corrected President Trump last week when he said that insurers “have agreed to waive all copayments for coronavirus treatments.”
You can be sure Trump’s comment sent shockwaves through the industry.

Within hours, AHIP, the industry’s largest PR and lobbying group, released a statement making clear that was not the case, that all they would waive would be cost-sharing for testing.
Yes, just testing; not treatment. For many, treatment will be considerably more expensive than testing. If insurers let their health plan members off the hook for out-of-pocket expenses related to treatment, their shareholders and Wall Street financial analysts would be apoplectic.

To read more:


Profits before people is the mantra for sociopathic capitalists.
March 18, 2020

Marie Newman has defeated Dan Lipinski in the IL 3rd District.

Challenger Marie Newman claimed victory over Rep. Dan Lipinski on Tuesday night in a rematch of their nationally watched Democratic congressional primary that was a battle between the party’s progressive and moderate wings.

The businesswoman from La Grange ended nearly four decades of Lipinski family control of the Southwest Side and southwest suburban congressional seat. The congressman’s father, William Lipinski, served from 1983 until 2005, when he engineered the appointment of his son.

“I am bursting with pride and gratitude for the amazing coalition who helped bring about much needed change in our district,” Newman said in a statement. "We are going to work together to lower healthcare costs, to fight climate change, and to continue building a hospitable community for everyone, no matter where you come from.


For those here who may be unfamiliar with Dan Lipinski, he is an anti-choice politician who voted against the ACA, and also voted against requiring business to provide paid sick leave to employees.

He is also a member of the "problem solvers caucus", a group of GOP and Democratic politicians who claim to meet in the middle.

Finally, he joined many GOP politicians in an amicus brief attacking Roe v Wade.

For these reasons, and for other reasons, including his basic refusal to hold meaningful town hall meetings, I was one of many in the 3rd District who actively worked for Marie Newman. I moderated 2 forums that allowed Newman to address fairly large groups of voters in the District, and I canvassed for months.

With that done, I will now turn to working for Joe Biden in Illinois. Illinois is a blue state, but we all need to work to increase voter awareness and turnout in November.
March 17, 2020

When working families receive money from the government, it is called welfare.

And we all know that conservatives hate welfare. Conservatives say that welfare breeds dependency. Teach a person to fish, and all of that.

So why is it that when the government gives money to big businesses, it is not called welfare and conservatives love it?

Asking for the bottom 90% of taxpayers.

And to be clear, I am speaking of any form of direct payments to big business, including quantitative easing and extra tax credits in that mix.

March 17, 2020

The airline industry is asking for 50 billion in response to this crisis.

What did that industry do with the billions they receive from the Trump/GOP tax cut for the rich?

They used that tax cut money to buy back their stock, and to give bonuses to their high level executives. Many other businesses did so as well.

Remember, socialism for the rich, and austerity for the rest.

March 17, 2020

Speaking of the Covid 19 virus, and the responses to it...

There are many stories out there. Stories about hoarders, and panic buying, and people insisting on their right to gather in a bar and drink. And people who buy up all the safety essentials that they can find, only to sell them at marked up prices on social media sites.

And my observation about this is that situations like the present one bring out the best in good people, and the worst in bad people.

So please, be the good person.

Wishing that you are all safe, and that we all come through this safely.



If you are in Illinois, or the other states voting today, vote.

March 17, 2020

In an eerie parallel to the situation in 2009, when Obama cleaned up the Bush disaster,

newly inaugurated President Joe Biden will have to work hard to clean up the Trump mess.

And at that point, the GOP will immediately start to scream about the deficit, and the debt load, and the media will echo those GOP concerns.

Groundhog day.

March 16, 2020

I was watching MSNBC, and Trump said again today that no one could have seen this coming.

He said that no one could have predicted this even as close as one month ago.

Except for the minor detail that this has been covered by the media since November, and there have been thousands of stories about the corona virus, my guess is that Trump missed all of those stories, and his daily briefings, and has already forgotten all of the questions posed to him by the reporters at every one of his press appearances.

The other alternative, that the media avoids at all cost, is that Trump is adding to his 16,000 plus lies.

March 15, 2020

Joe Biden is forcing me to do it!!

Adopting the Warren ideas on bankruptcy, and now, calling for limited free tuition based on income.

What next Joe?

You are forcing me to happily vote for you. Keep it up, and listen to all of the ideas from the candidates who dropped out.

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Member since: Mon Jan 26, 2015, 06:15 PM
Number of posts: 42,641

About guillaumeb

bilingual, bipedal homo sapien
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