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romanic's Journal
romanic's Journal
December 24, 2015

Obama Warns Campus Protesters Against Urge To 'Shut Up' Opposition

In a wide-ranging interview with NPR's Steve Inskeep, President Obama had some advice for college protesters across the country.

Over the past several months, protests have occurred at schools such as the University of Missouri, Yale and Ithaca College over issues ranging from offensive Halloween costumes, to the racial climate and the lack of minority faculty at schools, to school administrators' responses to racially insensitive vandalism and other incidents on campuses. Many of these protests have been led by students of color and draw inspiration from the Black Lives Matter movement.

Obama did not get into specifics about any particular recent protests and punted when asked whether schools like Harvard and Yale should get rid of symbols linked to slavery. But he did say that protesters on college campuses need to engage people they don't agree with, even as they protest.


Again a great interview with Obama on campus activism and student protesting.
December 22, 2015

Oberlin College's Food and Cultural Appropriation

Last week, students at Oberlin made national headlines for casting complaints about bad dining-hall food––a perennial lament of collegians––as a problematic social-justice failure. Word spread via people who saw their behavior as political correctness run amok. The New York Post gleefully mocked the students “at Lena Dunham’s college.” On social media, many wondered if the controversy was a parody.

In fact, it is quite real.

The core student grievance, as reported by Clover Lihn Tran at The Oberlin Review: Bon Appétit, the food service vendor, “has a history of blurring the line between culinary diversity and cultural appropriation by modifying the recipes without respect for certain Asian countries’ cuisines. This uninformed representation of cultural dishes has been noted by a multitude of students, many of who have expressed concern over the gross manipulation of traditional recipes.”

One international student suffered a sando-aggression:

Diep Nguyen, a College first-year from Vietnam, jumped with excitement at the sight of Vietnamese food on Stevenson Dining Hall’s menu at Orientation this year. Craving Vietnamese comfort food, Nguyen rushed to the food station with high hopes. What she got, however, was a total disappointment. The traditional Banh Mi Vietnamese sandwich that Stevenson Dining Hall promised turned out to be a cheap imitation of the East Asian dish.

Instead of a crispy baguette with grilled pork, pate, pickled vegetables and fresh herbs, the sandwich used ciabatta bread, pulled pork and coleslaw. “It was ridiculous,” Nguyen said. “How could they just throw out something completely different and label it as another country’s traditional food?”

Multiple students were dissatisfied with their landlocked, Midwestern institution’s take on the cuisine of an island nation with Earth’s most sophisticated fishing culture:

Perhaps the pinnacle of what many students believe to be a culturally appropriative sustenance system is Dascomb Dining Hall’s sushi bar. The sushi is anything but authentic for Tomoyo Joshi, a College junior from Japan, who said that the undercooked rice and lack of fresh fish is disrespectful. She added that in Japan, sushi is regarded so highly that people sometimes take years of apprenticeship before learning how to appropriately serve it.

“When you’re cooking a country’s dish for other people, including ones who have never tried the original dish before, you’re also representing the meaning of the dish as well as its culture,” Joshi said. “So if people not from that heritage take food, modify it and serve it as ‘authentic,’ it is appropriative.”


I understand the grievance of crappy cafeteria food but to make it into a social justice issue? -_____- These kids really need to grow up if they expected authenticity in freaking Ohio.
November 19, 2015

Safe Spaces Segregate the Claremont Colleges

In the wake of last week’s protests and resignations at Claremont McKenna College (CMC), “safe spaces” for students of marginalized identities are popping up all over the campuses of the Claremont Colleges. After protestors called for action, CMC President Hiram Chodosh stated his commitment to providing a permanent safe space for students of color in the near future. Until then, the Associated Students of Claremont McKenna College (ASCMC) have dedicated part of their office as a safe space for these students.

Safe spaces for minority students have appeared on the campuses of other Claremont Colleges as well. Last week, the Motley Coffeehouse at Scripps College issued a statement on its official Facebook page, “The Motley sitting room will be open tonight from 6-10 only for people of color and allies that they invite. Please feel free to come and use the space for whatever you need – decompress, discuss, grieve, plan, support each other, etc. In solidarity.”

Additionally, a “Hurting and Healing” event, described as “a *for POC, by POC* art show,” is scheduled to take place at Pomona College on December 5. “This show’s intent is to create a space that is pro-POC, pro-black, and anti-white supremacist,” states the event’s website. “While you may want to invite a white friend or ally, to make this a safe and comfortable space for other POC, we ask that you do not.”

Further, the editorial board of The Student Life, an official, student government-funded newspaper, expressed solidarity with the recent movement and issued a statement explaining that the publication will create a space in its next issue for students of color who wish to write about their personal experiences. “We are tired of going to protests, seeing White allies snap and clap and shout only to move on the next day like nothing happened,” the editors write.


Are these safe spaces truly safe, or are we seeing segregation coming back onto our campuses?
November 14, 2015

False Social Media Posts Regarding Attacks in Paris - Statement from Mizzou

Nov. 14, 2015
Social media posts expressing dismay that the tragedy in Paris is diverting media attention from events at the University of Missouri are being made by individuals from outside the Mizzou community in an attempt to create conflict. Our hearts go out to the citizens of Paris and all those affected by the tragic events of last night. While our community has faced difficulties over the past week, we express our sincere sympathy to those who have been affected by the events in Paris and remain committed to making Mizzou stronger and more inclusive.


Conservatives are having field day posting up tweets and stuff from Mizzou "students" and other activists complaining about Paris overtaking the media attention away from their protests. I definitely think some activists feel as such, but I also think conservatives would charade as students to do just that as well.
November 8, 2015

Yale's big fight over sensitivity and free speech, explained.

Yale's controversy tapped into a national debate on college culture

The "I don't want to debate" line spoke to a growing trend worrying some observers of higher education, and beyond just Yale: in the balance between sensitivity versus critical thinking and academic freedom, students are increasingly emphasizing the former over the latter.

On college campuses around the country, students, particularly students of color, are forcing white students and administrators to confront the pernicious effects of racial bias.

At the same time, students are demanding that colleges be more sensitive to their mental health and well-being. They're feeling empowered to make requests that professors sometimes feel interfere with their long-cherished right to research freely and to speak their mind in public.

The question facing campuses, then, is how to weigh those issues of sensitivity and mental health against sometimes-competing values of free speech and academic freedom.

Students have called for graduation speakers who have done things they consider offensive to be disinvited from commencement. Some have requested "trigger warnings" for material on syllabuses that could exacerbate mental health issues. At Northwestern University, a professor who wrote an essay about a dispute involving a professor accused of sexual assault ended up facing a Title IX complaint due to her comments about the students involved.

Even President Obama weighed in on the debate in September, criticizing college students who want to be "coddled." "Anybody who comes to speak to you and you disagree with, you should have an argument with ‘em," he said. "But you shouldn’t silence them by saying, 'You can’t come because I'm too sensitive to hear what you have to say.' That’s not the way we learn."

The debate over how colleges should weigh these requests is complicated by the contradictions at the heart of colleges' relationship with their students. College students are supposed to act like mature adults, but they're subject to the authority of administrators in a way that 18- and 19-year-olds not in college are not. As the price of college has risen, students are increasingly considered paying customers. At the same time, the goal of college is not simply to be happy and comfortable, but to be challenged and grow intellectually.

These are the tensions that Erika Christakis was trying to address in her e-mail. In it, she asked, "What does this debate about Halloween costumes say about our view of young adults, of their strength and judgment?" It's clear that the students in Sillman college want the university to take a more active role in their lives than some faculty would prefer.


Very interesting article (from Vox no less) and speaks volumes on the outrage culture that has tainted our universities and stifled debate and the maturation of ideas that used to be prevalent on college campuses. i swear our generation of college students are being coddled to a point where they can't even handle simple issues without calling for resignations and censorship. There was also a video at Yale on Youtube of few students protesting in regards to the emails but I think the source is from a right-wing propaganda site so I don't want to link it - but you can search for it on youtube if you're interested in watching it.

October 31, 2015

Rep. John Lewis, Singer Usher and Others Attempt to Push Out Protesters

Black Lives Matter protesters interrupted presidential candidate Hillary Clinton on Friday while she spoke at the historically Black university, Clark Atlanta University.

Protesters chanting “Black lives matter” and “Hell You Talm Bout” disrupted Clinton’s speech, with Clinton backers responding with chants of “Hillary, Hillary” and “Let her talk” to drown them out.

The action was organized by members of #AUCShutItDown, a coalition of students from the Atlanta University Center, which includes Spelman, Morehouse, and Clark Atlanta. The organization posted a statement on social media calling out law enforcement and university administrators for “multiple offenses committed against Black and brown lives.”


The whole #AUCShutItDown statement is detailed there along with videos of the protesters vs clergy/Usher etc there.
October 30, 2015

(Pontiac) Silverdome to be demolished

PONTIAC, Mich. -

Plans are in the works to have the Silverdome in Pontiac demolished, said a spokesman for Triple Investment Group.

The former home of the Detroit Lions went on sale earlier this year for $30 million. However, there was never any reported interest from prospective buyers.

The owners instead will demolish the Silverdome and sell the land. The owners don't have a time frame right now for when the demolition will begin.
Quick Clicks

The stadium, which at its peak seated more than 90,000 fans for NFL games, has not had a regular tenant since 2002.


So it finally ends. My hometown of Pontiac has dealt with this white elephant for almost a decade after the Lions left. Sad to see history fall through the cracks, but a clean slate on that property is better for the city and the county versus an inflated dome. :/
September 28, 2015

Azealia Banks says she ‘wants to pepper spray a gay man in the face’ in disturbing rant

Azealia Banks has gone on yet another homophobic rant – claiming she wants to “spray a gay man in the face with pepper spray”.

The 212 rapper, who has repeatedly dismissed claims she is anti-gay in the past, was caught on camera branding a flight attendant a “f**king faggot” during an on-flight meltdown.

Amid the controversy, the rapper has not sought to smooth over relations with her gay fanbase, going on a bizarre and vile rant on Instagram.

Responding to a self-pitying post from the star reacting to the coverage, a fan wrote: “Imagine the pain young gay fans feel when they hear the vile things you say @azealiabanks.”

However, Banks hit back: “oh well imagine how I wanna spray a gay man in the face with pepper spray everytime he calls me a bitch a slut or a hoe. Kiss my ass. Goodnight.””

When the fan challenged her ‘evil’ comment, she added: “Keep f**king with me if you f**king want to. One day your hemmroids [sic] are going to burst and you’ll bleed to death bitch.'”

In a since-deleted post, she continued: “Yea keep trolling for d**k on grindr. You’ll be murdered and stuffed under a truck somewhere soon.”

The rapper has used gay slurs on a number of occasions, regularly branding gay men “faggots” on social media.


Just wanted to post the latest hijinks of Miss Banks since she was such a focal point on this forum several months ago (just search for the past topics about her on DU). She also went on a racist rant against another fan too:


I feel like I'm giving her extra attention by posting all of this mess, but when someone in the public eye says something as gross as what she says, damn well better bet he/she gets called out on it.
September 18, 2015

Obama on liberal college students who want to be "coddled": "That’s not the way we learn"

DES MOINES, Iowa — People concerned about liberal political correctness on college campuses have a powerful ally: President Obama.

At a town hall here on college affordability on Monday afternoon, one student asked Obama to respond to Republican presidential contender Ben Carson's proposal to cut off funding to colleges that demonstrate political bias.

Unsurprisingly, Obama didn't like it much. "I have no idea what that means, and I suspect he doesn’t either," he said, then continued: "The idea that you’d have somebody in government making a decision about what you should think ahead of time or what you should be taught, and if it’s not the right thought, or idea, or perspective or philosophy, that person would be — they wouldn’t get funding, runs contrary to everything we believe about education," he said. "That might work in the Soviet Union, but that doesn’t work here. That's not who we are."

After that criticism, he went on to give his opinion about what's been called the "new political correctness" on college campuses:

It’s not just sometimes folks who are mad that colleges are too liberal that have a problem. Sometimes there are folks on college campuses who are liberal, and maybe even agree with me on a bunch of issues, who sometimes aren’t listening to the other side, and that’s a problem too. I’ve heard some college campuses where they don’t want to have a guest speaker who is too conservative or they don’t want to read a book if it has language that is offensive to African-Americans or somehow sends a demeaning signal towards women. I gotta tell you, I don’t agree with that either. I don’t agree that you, when you become students at colleges, have to be coddled and protected from different points of view. I think you should be able to — anybody who comes to speak to you and you disagree with, you should have an argument with ‘em. But you shouldn’t silence them by saying, "You can’t come because I'm too sensitive to hear what you have to say." That’s not the way we learn either.


For once I actually agree wholeheartedly with a Vox article. Obama is right, we cannot protect college students from debates because it's "offensive" or "triggering". Without different viewpoints, there's no knowledge and without knowledge, college students are powerless. Anyone agree, disagree?

Also read the rest of the article, it's truly a good read and ideas on how to make college ed. more well-rounded for students.
August 23, 2015

Going to College Isn't Paying off for Students of Color

Although college grads across the board make more money than their less-educated peers, the report found that whites and Asians with four-year degrees not only tend to outearn their black and Latino counterparts, but they also better withstood the impact of the Great Recession. “Based on two decades of detailed wealth data, we conclude that education does not, however, protect the wealth of all racial and ethnic groups equally,” the report’s authors wrote.

According to the study, white and Asian American families with four-year college degrees were more likely to have accumulated much more wealth over the longer term than their less-well-educated counterparts. Ditto for African American and Latino families, although their earnings and wealth were typically lower than that of whites and Asian Americans.

“This is certainly partially a story about intergenerational inequality,” S. Michael Gaddis, an associate professor of sociology and demography at Penn State University, wrote in an email to TakePart.

One factor: “Research shows that minority and low [socioeconomic status] students don’t attend the best possible colleges they could (based on grades, etc.) and that lack of the best degrees translates into a substantial workforce that is underutilized,” wrote Gaddis, who authored a study released in March that found minority students who attend elite schools such as Harvard don’t fare better in the job market compared with less-well-educated whites.


The cards are truly staked against us. *sighs*

And also, AVOID the comments section since it's typical Yahoo drivel. -_-

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Name: Roman
Gender: Male
Hometown: Michigan
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Member since: Thu Feb 12, 2015, 08:59 PM
Number of posts: 2,841
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