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catsudon's Journal
catsudon's Journal
March 19, 2022

China's Vice Foreign Minister blames NATO for war in Ukraine

Source: Axios

China's vice foreign minister on Saturday blamed NATO for the war in Ukraine and criticized the West's sanctions against Russia, AP reports.

Driving the news: Le Yucheng speaking at a conference in Beijing called NATO a "Cold War vestige," warning that its expansion could cause "repercussions too dreadful to contemplate," per AP.

"Sanctions against Russia are now going to such lengths that globalization is used as a weapon, even people from the sports, cultural, art and entertainment communities are not spared," he also said.
The big picture: Le's remarks come one day after President Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping spoke about the war, with Biden describing "the implications and consequences if China provides material support to Russia," according to a White House readout of the call.

China has not publicly condemned or defended Russia's invasion of Ukraine, but Chinese officials and state media have largely put the blame on the U.S. and the West, Axios' Dave Lawler reports.

Read more: https://www.axios.com/china-vice-foreign-minister-nato-ukraine-russia-eef8dea1-2b7e-4e03-8c15-d32b2cfc2f50.html

once again like i suspected... china is trying to have their feet on two boats at the same time. which by the way is a famous chinese saying;
"腳踏兩條船" to stand with each foot in a different boat (idiom) / fig. to have it both ways / to run after two hares / (especially) to have two lovers at the same time
February 27, 2022

Taiwan's President Tsai Tweets: "Taiwan condemns Russia's infringement on Ukrainian sovereignty

Source: twittee

i like her as the president. she changed taiwan for the better. she made taiwan great again.

Read more:

February 5, 2022

House passes act calling for renaming Taiwan office in US

Source: Taiwan News

The U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill on Friday (Feb. 4) urging a change of name of Taiwan’s representative office in the U.S. as the two countries enhance their partnership.

The America COMPETES Act of 2022 was passed by a vote of 222-210, which marks a step towards the Biden administration’s objective to sharpen the U.S.’ competitive edge against China while bolstering its manufacturing sector, in particular the semiconductor industry.

A significant proportion of the bill is dedicated to promoting closer ties with Taiwan, including advocating the renaming of the "Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office (TECRO)," the de facto Taiwan embassy. It asks relevant authorities to start negotiations to change the office’s name to the “Taiwan Representative Office in the United States,” as it’s the policy of Washington to “refer to Taiwan as Taiwan, not Taipei or Chinese Taipei,” it stated.

Read more: https://www.taiwannews.com.tw/en/news/4432141

this is huge, when Lithuania did this while ago, there was a big blowback from China.

i wonder what China is going to do.

it figures that none of the gop in the house voted for this...

the senate passed a similar one, so these two will be worked on and go to President Biden to sign.
February 4, 2022

Jon Stewart sides with Joe Rogan as more artists leave Spotify: 'This overreaction is a mistake'

“I’m more worried about the algorithm of misinformation than the purveyor of misinformation,” he added. “Misinformation will always be out there, but if the algorithm drives people further and further down the rabbit hole, the algorithm is the amplifier and the catalyst of extremism.”

i don't know , he made some good points, but then again , i think it is waste of money anyway when you can steal music for free.

February 3, 2022

Rotterdam bridge to be dismantled so Jeff Bezos' yacht can pass through

Source: Dutch News. NL

A massive steel bridge in Rotterdam is to be partly demolished so that the pleasure yacht being built for Amazon founder Jeff Bezos can sail through it to the sea, local broadcaster Rijnmond said on Wednesday.

Read more: https://www.dutchnews.nl/news/2022/02/rotterdam-bridge-to-be-dismantled-so-jeff-bezos-yacht-can-pass-through/

well... i know someone's ship is going to be pelted with garbage at a certain day.
January 29, 2022

Adult who, at 17, sexually assaulted child is sentenced to juvenile facility

Source: LA TIMES

The case of Hannah Tubbs, who has admitted sexually assaulting a 10-year-old girl in 2014 in the bathroom of a Denny's restaurant in Palmdale, has thrown a spotlight on Los Angeles County Dist. Atty. George Gascn's refusal to seek the transfer of juvenile defendants to adult court. Gascn has argued that the brains of juveniles aren't fully developed and that the proper setting to rehabilitate people who commit crimes while underage is a juvenile treatment facility.

Read more: https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2022-01-27/26-year-old-who-sexually-assaulted-girl-while-underage-will-serve-two-year-term-in-juvenile-facility-judge-rules

How does that make sense... minors are separated from the adult population and often housed at entirely different facilities than adults specifically to ensure they are not put into the population with adults. I believe this is even done with minors who are charged and convicted as adults (but could be wrong on that one--edit to clarify: They're incarcerated within adult jails/prisons, but separated from interaction with general population). She should be placed with the adults in adult jail.

7 years after the crime, the victim is still in therapy and did not attend the case, the rapist piece of shit gets 2 years. 2 years for ruining someone's life is a joke.
January 28, 2022

Ukraine's president told Biden to 'calm down' Russian invasion warnings, saying he was creating ,,,

Source: yahoo news

Ukraine's president told Biden to 'calm down' Russian invasion warnings, saying he was creating unwanted panic: report

Read more: https://sports.yahoo.com/ukraines-president-told-biden-calm-104928095.html

i call bs on this, unnamed sources and coming from CNN of all places.

however, if true, then i'm beginning to suspect ukraine leadership is in on this with russia to create a distraction from the south china sea.

we actually have more firepower now in the south china sea with those ships in guam

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Hometown: Virgina
Home country: United States
Current location: Virginia
Member since: Mon Dec 19, 2016, 07:16 PM
Number of posts: 864

About catsudon

I'm a progressive american, was born in Taiwan. But have been in the states longer than my native country. I'm fluent in English, Chinese, and knows a little of Japanese. Good enough to translate Manga.
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