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orangecrush's Journal
orangecrush's Journal
March 29, 2017

Dem Rep - Nunes acting 'Agressive", 'Unusual'

"Rep. Jim Himes (D-Conn.) said during an interview early Wednesday that House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes's (R-Calif.) behavior has been “aggressive” and “unusual” in recent days.

“A lot of us have a lot of history with Chairman Nunes and consider him a friend, but until we really get read into whatever drove last week’s behavior, it’s really hard for us, along with the rest of the American public, not to make some assumptions about what is driving this very strange behavior,” Himes said on CNN’s “New Day.”

Himes, a House Intelligence Committee member, added that the panel’s functions have stalled since Nunes said there was incidental intelligence surveillance of President Trump’s transition team last week."




March 28, 2017

Senate Committee to Question Jared Kushner Over Meetings With Russians

March 27, 2017
Senate investigators plan to question Jared Kushner, President Trump’s son-in-law and a close adviser, as part of their broad inquiry into ties between Trump associates and Russian officials or others linked to the Kremlin, according to administration and congressional officials.

The White House Counsel’s Office was informed this month that the Senate Intelligence Committee, which is investigating Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election, wanted to question Mr. Kushner about meetings he arranged with the Russian ambassador, Sergey I. Kislyak, according to the government officials. The meetings, which took place during the transition, included a previously unreported sit-down with the head of Russia’s state-owned development bank.

Until now, the White House had acknowledged only an early December meeting between Mr. Kislyak and Mr. Kushner, which occurred at Trump Tower and was also attended by Michael T. Flynn, who would briefly serve as the national security adviser.

Later that month, though, Mr. Kislyak requested a second meeting, which Mr. Kushner asked a deputy to attend in his stead, officials said. At Mr. Kislyak’s request, Mr. Kushner later met with Sergey N. Gorkov, the chief of Vnesheconombank, which the United States placed on its sanctions list after President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia annexed Crimea and began meddling in Ukraine.

A White House spokeswoman, Hope Hicks, confirmed those meetings, saying in an interview that nothing of consequence occurred and portraying them as routine diplomatic encounters that went nowhere. But Mr. Gorkov, who previously served as deputy chairman of the board at Sberbank, Russia’s largest state-owned bank, said in a statement issued by his bank that he met with Mr. Kushner in his capacity as the then-chief executive of Kushner Companies, his family’s sprawling real estate empire.


Holy. Shit.

March 26, 2017

Trump-Russia inquiry endangered after lawmaker's 'peculiar midnight run'

"The House intelligence committee investigation of the Trump campaign’s alleged links with Moscow looks in danger of unravelling as a result of the unexplained behaviour of its chairman, Devin Nunes, a former Trump adviser.

James Comey: Democrat by birth, Republican by trade, thorn in the side of both
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Such behaviour reportedly includes an unexplained disappearance from an Uber ride with a staffer on Tuesday night, described by his Democratic counterpart as a “peculiar midnight run”.

The investigation subsequently appeared to stall, with Nunes calling off a critical hearing scheduled for Tuesday 28 March, at a time when his Democratic counterpart on the committee, Adam Schiff, said he had seen more than circumstantial evidence of collusion between the Trump camp and Russia."....

"At the hearing, Comey refused to name any of the campaign aides under FBI scrutiny. Schiff, the ranking Democrat, said he and Nunes had been given a classified briefing that involved evidence of collusion that “isn’t purely circumstantial”.


First I've heard about the unexplained Uber thing.

Sounds like someone having a meeting with a handler.

But wait, there's more!

"Hours before the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee announced his shocking claims about surveillance of the Trump transition team on Wednesday morning, he practically disappeared.
Rep. Devin Nunes was traveling with a senior committee staffer in an Uber on Tuesday evening when he received a communication on his phone, three committee officials and a former national security official with ties to the committee told The Daily Beast. After the message, Nunes left the car abruptly, leaving his own staffer in the dark about his whereabouts.
By the next morning, Nunes hastily announced a press conference. His own aides, up to the most senior level, did not know what their boss planned to say next. Nunes’ choice to keep senior staff out of the loop was highly unusual."


Begs the question - does Nunes really think he is slicker than the F.B.I.?

March 26, 2017

Did Michael Flynn Strike A Deal With The FBI? CNN Analyst Claims He Might Have

"Social media erupted on Saturday after a CNN analyst and former Homeland Security official said that sources have told her that former national security adviser Michael Flynn may have struck a deal of some sort with the FBI.

“It is starting to look like, from my sources and then also from open reporting, that Mike Flynn is the one who may have a deal with the FBI and that’s why we have not heard from him for some time,” Juliette Kayyem, an assistant secretary for intergovernmental affairs in the Obama administration, said in a panel discussion on Friday night.

Kayyem noted that of the four former Trump advisers who are said to be subjects in an FBI investigation of potential ties to the Russian government, Flynn is the only one who has not volunteered to testify to Congress. The other three advisers, Paul Manafort, Carter Page, and Roger Stone, offered to testify earlier this week."...

"“I don’t have anything on that,” Flynn spokesman Price Floyd told The Daily Caller when asked for comment on Kayyem’s claim.

When pressed for clarification if he was denying the claim or was was merely not responding, Floyd said: “Not responding.”


March 26, 2017

Donald Trump's presidency could be finished by Russia investigations, former NSA analyst says

Donald Trump could be forced to leave office over the investigations into his administration’s links with Russia, a former national National Security Agency (NSA) analyst has warned.

John Schindler, a security expert and former counterintelligence officer, said that if the US President was to face an indictment over allegations his campaign team colluded with Russia to disrupt the presidential election, it could put an end to his presidency.

Speaking to CBC radio, Mr Schindler said: “If, not just people around him, but the president himself is facing possible indictment down the road, that could be a game changer. He could be removed from office for that, whether he wants to be or not."


The tide is turning.

March 25, 2017

Can we maybe stop using the expression "LOCK THEM UP"...


In my humble opinion, we should never under any circumstances reflect their lockstep thought processes.

" They should be facing charges, or ought to be incarcerated because", or something along those lines, at least shows there is some thought involved, instead of a knee jerk, purely emotional "Seig Heil!" typical Trumpster outburst.

This has been a public service announcement from orangecrush.

Your mileage may vary.

March 23, 2017

A Guide to Treason, 2.0

On Monday, Federal Bureau of Investigation Director James Comey confirmed that the FBI is investigating the possibility of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. Following Comey’s testimony, historian Douglas Brinkley declared, “There’s a smell of treason in the air.”

Between revelations about “longtime [President Donald] Trump confidant” Roger Stone and the controversies surrounding former Trump campaign chair Paul Manafort, it’s clear that key Trump campaign staff were in contact with Russia. Stone has admitted to being in contact with Guccifer 2.0, likely a front for the Russian government, and repeatedly gave advance notice of disclosures from WikiLeaks, which has been acting suspiciously like an agent of the Russian government. Stone is now on the hook with the Senate Intelligence Committee. And at Monday’s White House briefing, Press Secretary Sean Spicer conceded that Stone worked on the campaign, and that he and the president “had a long relationship going back years where [Stone] would provide counsel.”

Media outlets and social media are filled with accusations of collusion, calls for a special counsel, and queries about treason. Representative Maxine Waters tweeted simply, “Get ready for impeachment.”
If Trump participated in, facilitated, or encouraged a Russian cyber attack intended to overthrow the United States government by changing the outcome of the 2016 election — and then promoted Russia’s interests after assuming office — Waters may get her wish. Those acts could amount to an impeachable offense. They could even be treason.

Should cyberspace be understood as a theater of war?
Treason has traditionally been understood as a crime defined by clear binaries — at war vs. at peace; enemy vs. ally — and requiring physical conflict. Here, no shots have been fired, no battles pitched, unless cyberspace can be understood as a theater of war within the meaning our Framers envisioned. And perhaps it can.


March 23, 2017

FBI have uncovered 'evidence of treason' among alt-right websites, says George W Bush's ethics lawye

The man who served as former president George W Bush's most senior ethics lawyer has suggested that the FBI is "uncovering evidence of treason" by far right US news websites over their links with Russia.

Richard Painter tweeted a link to an article suggesting that the Bureau was looking into news outlets like Breitbart News, InfoWars and the Kremlin-backed RT News and Sputnik News, to see whether they worked with Russian-backed operatives to disseminate stories favouring Donald Trump during the presidential election. at times when his campaign appeared to be struggling.

Sources told US publisher, McClatchy that online "bots" had created created millions of social media posts linking to articles on the sites, some of which were completely false, while other contained a mixture of fact and fiction.


March 22, 2017

Call your congress person RFN and tell them to ask Nunes to step down.

Just spoke to Bob Casey Jr. staffer.

Don't let Nunes protect Trump by keeping him briefed on the investigation results.

Make some noise!

March 22, 2017

Ex-Intel Committee counsel: Nunes briefing Trump on investigation is a breakdown in oversight...

On Wednesday, House Intelligence head Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) offered some confirmation during a press conference that President Donald Trump and his team were under surveillance between Election Day and Inauguration Day. The president commented that he felt “somewhat” vindicated by Nunes’ visit to the White House to discuss the matter.

“I very much appreciated the fact that they found what they found,” he said.

Trump says he feels “somewhat” vindicated by Nunes: “I very much appreciated the fact that they found what they found”. pic.twitter.com/PwuEaICG2q

— Bradd Jaffy (@BraddJaffy) March 22, 2017
However, Jeremy Bash, a former counsel to the House Intelligence Committee and security analyst, told MSNBC host Brian Williams, “I think in the 40 years of the committee’s existence, since the post-Watergate era reforms … I have never heard of a chairman of an oversight committee going to brief the President of the United States about concerns he has about things he’s read in intelligence reports.

“The job of the committee is to do oversight of the executive branch,” Bash continued, “not to bring them into their investigation or tip them off to things that they might be looking at.” Bash added that other members of the committee are likely “horrified” by Nunes’ decision to brief the president.

“It’s very concerning,” Bash said. “This is a true breakdown, Brian, in the entire oversight process.”


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