LizBeth's JournalGod encourages abortions?]How come mine never look like y'lls? Why don't we know this. I am at work so will confirm later, but did have someone tell me this was true. Since it is ALL based on religion, seems like they lose.
Shannen Doherty, star of 'Beverly Hills, 90210' and 'Charmed,' dies at 53 I am looking to move to the Denver area.
I want the most beautiful, fun, hip, cool. I have missed mountains too sso I was thinking west side of city so closer to mountains and could have a view. Anyway, what area do I want to look at. Apartment for now and not worried about cost. More about having fun and only a year. I am living in Uptown Minneapolis a couple blocks from a lake and across street from Lunds groceries, a block from library, lots of restaurants so I rarely drive. Oh oh and not far from a Traders Joe. Love my Traders Joe.
Does anyone have fun suggestions.
Eugene Police Department to adopt new Behavioral Health Co-Response Team to handle mental health crises downtown
Since the beginning of the Black Lives Matter movement in 2013 and the murder of George Floyd in 2020, law enforcement agencies across the country have been faced with increased public demand to incorporate mental health professionals into their agencies. The new partnership will make the EPD one of few police departments nationwide to adopt a co-response model for mental health emergencies.
The primary goal here is recognizing not everybody that's suffering from a behavioral mental health crisis is also committing [a] crime, Eugene Police Chief Chris Skinner explained. We're going to try to continue to match the right response with the right need, then we need to have a response for those folks, so we want our partners at Lane County to come alongside of us and [in] a co-response model
we need that tool in our tool belt.
brokerage CD
brokerage CD. when getting a brokerage cd for a year, can the amount you put in lose money over the course of the year and if the time is fulfilled you end up with money you put in and the interest amount when it is all done even if over the course of time you see your amount go from say 100k to 75k with the fluctuation of market.
i have to buy a laptop and thought maybe labor day sale. what do i have to look out for/
so water spilled on puter and shift no longer works so no capital or question marks or exclamation. i only use it for normal stuff but not gaming or work or whatever else people do that needs lots of power or whatever. though i do not like slow, i get impatient. and i am computer stupid and need easy.
is there anything i have to make sure i have in a laptop/ i generally just grab the lowest price.
thanks for the information.
btw another reason i tend to go cheapest is cause i tend to spill on it like water, wine, diet dr pepper, so behooves me not to invest too much.
there has gotta be a karen....
anyone have experience with cushing disease with dog
Spilled water on computer last night and now shift doesn't work so no capital.
so 800 later with vet i am told dogs probably has beginning cushing. didn't get lots of info but that not painful and not curable, medicine doesn't really show to work, doesn't extend life. i read on net that dogs have average about two yrs but could be up to four.
does anyone have experience with cushing
anyone have experience with cushing disease with dog
Spilled water on computer last night and now shift doesn't work so no capital.
so 800 later with vet i am told dogs probably has beginning cushing. didn't get lots of info but that not painful and not curable, medicine doesn't really show to work, doesn't extend life. i read on net that dogs have average about two yrs but could be up to four.
does anyone have experience with cushing
Is there a law or code about the water pressure in Minneapolis? It seems low.
I have lived in the SW and the NW and never had issue with water pressure. I moved to Minneapolis a year ago and first apartment felt like water just dribbled out and never got too hot for me to put hands under or have it full hot and stand under the shower. And the pressure is so bad I can lather body up while under shower. It was really bad. I started looking at places to buy and would check the showers and seemed they were only a little better but since not in the shower could not really tell. Moved to another apartment. One of the issues I was so excited about was getting a normal shower. LOVE my showers. A hot hot shower. One of my fav daily. But the pressure only seems a little better. Now the shower head is much bigger so I am getting a larger area of spray than the other apartment but still lacks. I have never experienced this in other places I lived.
I have googled if there is an ordinance or code where water pressure is lower than other areas of the country but have not found anything. Does anyone know? Not much I can do but live with it. Still curious.
Trump cost Fox News $787.5 million because he is such an ass and had the power he did
over the Republicans and the network. They well knew better, but Trump had them by the .... and they had to do what they did. It cost them $787.5 million. Just the beginning, I hope. All cause of Trump. And he is running again boys. How much is the next time gonna cost your network. So lmao. A worthless human being accomplished a $787.5 million loss.
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Gender: Do not displayHometown: Calif
Home country: United States
Current location: Eugene, Or
Member since: Sun Feb 23, 2020, 08:57 PM
Number of posts: 11,023