Biophilic's JournalSo, I'm curious. When did we as a nation decide it was ok to deface the US Flag?
We had a new gun store open up recently and the owner is flying the regular flag, a second US flag with red, blue, and green strips, and a third Don't Tread of Me flag. I had missed the addition of a green and red strip to the Back the Blue "flag" Went looking online for more information. Every article I read (5) reported how patriotic these flags were, how they represented fireman (red), police (blue) and military, park rangers (green). And how it was fine to fly these flags especially if you flew the "old" flag with them.
Ok, I admit it, I'm really getting pissed and really upset at the amount of propaganda and lies we are surrounded by. How does any ordinary person even begin to know what's right and what's wrong, what's a lie and what isn't?
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