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progressive nobody

progressive nobody's Journal
progressive nobody's Journal
July 25, 2020

Any suggestion on something to watch?

Any suggestions on series I should binge watch or movies I should see?

I have Hulu, Netflix, Disney+ & prime. I am open to try all kinds of genres.

Some recent items I have binge

The Witcher, Warrior Nun, Mandalorian, Hamilton, Good Omens (again)

Also any other streaming services you would suggest and pricing


July 25, 2020

I got an idea of a new political ad

Lincoln group or whoever.

"Your racism is showing" just clips of Trump saying things that thinly vale his racism after each clip the announcer " your racism is showing" Clips of police arresting the CNN reporter and then announcer is like "uh-oh your racism is showing again.

July 25, 2020

My inspiration for Nov.

The speech comes a brilliant film maker Charlie Chaplin. The movie The Great Dictator and an amazing F. U. to Hitler in the day.
July 23, 2020

Heard something at work today that stopped my heart.

First the good news: I think they are gearing up to keep us at home and are no longer mandating us to go to the office soon. I guess some can't due to the type of job they do but if they can get the majority of us out of the office that is a good thing.

Now for the info that really has me freaking out. Let me set the office view-- It is basically a huge room with groups of cubicles thru out the room. So the girl in the cubicle next to me tells me she was at the doctor yesterday and she was running a little fever and she has had a sore throat. She was offered a test and declined it. My heart stopped. I couldn't help it my first question is why. and her answer was I can't get sick I don't have anymore time off. (she is a single mother and I totally emphasized. I was raised by one.) I told her you need to take this seriously. She said she does but she can't miss work. She then says her son has asthma and her son is having shortness of breath and coughing but he is at his dad and they don't give him oils to help him breath. I am wearing my mask but my eyes probably showed my concern. I said you might want to get him in to see the doctor. She said she can't today because he has to go to the orthopedic doctor today. ( poor kid fell and broke his arm.) I again stressed if it was me I would get myself and son checked out.

She silent for a little bit. She then said. I know how serious the virus is but I can't afford to lose my job. I told her I understand (My husband and I had been going back and forth about what to do with my job with the lack of social distancing. I am the only one in the office wearing a mask the whole entire work day. I don't eat or drink when I am at work. Some people do not mask at all. Some will put mask on when they walk around the office but as soon as they are in the cubicle they take the mask off. I don't scream it but I want to "What the F!!! you aren't really protecting yourself or others."

I felt bad that I might have come across rude so I said. I am sorry if I sounded rude but I don't take this lightly. My husband and I both have preexisting conditions. We know 3 people who have been affected by the virus. one person had a relative that died. my husband's friend got it and died from it. My husband has another friend who ended up on a ventilator for 25 days lost 60 pounds and 3 months after getting out of the hospital last week he completed his first 40 hour work week and it took at lot at of him. I have a college friend who got it in April the first time and it was a mild case but she was down for about 3 weeks. Said it was like having pneumonia really bad. She got it again in May was placed on Oxygen and she had it another 2 and a half weeks. She thought she recovered and her Doctor thought she recovered has not had - no symptoms for 4 weeks but her tests keep coming back positive. I told her My husband and I are treating the situation like it is red(PA used color codes--we are in green now.) We only go to work and store we might get take out once in a while but we do not go anywhere we don't have to be.

She brought this up to me like she was asking for my advise and I told her as such. I told her I totally understand her fears and worry but if she didn't take care of herself how can she take care of others. She was silent again. then she started making calls about trying to get her son seen before going to the orthopedic doctor.

I hope I am able to work from home soon and not go to the office. I am also worried I overstep and it could just be a sinus infection as it is time of the year.

July 23, 2020

What if this is a plan?

Okay this might sound like I just got off the crazy Train and maybe I am tired. I gratefully worked from home today hand had a chance to listen to Stephanie Miller, and Randi Rhodes as I work. Not to mention I fear going into work the next time I go.

I don't know if you have heard how Trump's "hand picked" person to run the post office is running the place but mail is being slowed down and some not deliver because the goal is to destroy trust and post office. In my opinion They are determine to mess with ballots,

You have the paramilitary group and ready to go into cities. Cities that are Largely diverse, Votes democratic and ( and please correct me if I am wrong) a lot of the listed cities are lead by people of color, women or both. They (the administration) keep saying they are going to deploy them.

In today or yesterday's "Press Conference" Trump indicated that a National plan is being looked into.

So what if they are waiting for the beginning of school when the virus starts spreading worse than now (it will happen if they are opening school like the ones around me are.) 3 weeks from the start we are going to see us neck deep in the 1st wave.

Trump and crew start suggesting we do need to shut down-- Late September.

October surprise hits and it is Trump deploying groups into cities and states to help local police enforce an national martial Law in the guise of "Lock down" because he has seen the light or new information indicates this is the only way -he can win the election- Keep America safe.

Oh and guess who will be stopping all protest, and "helping" out at the polls.

As I told someone else on the board.

We are not hearing the Dog whistle of Racism and we aren't hearing the Dog Bark of racism We are seeing and hearing the Caveman of Racism and sexism swinging his club and screaming.

Please talk sense into me.

July 22, 2020

Who was the reporter (female) with the Flower face mask? She slammed Trump

Her question to Trump:

Why was rise in crime Obama's fault when he was in office but now while you are in office?

Then my TV went Blue and I missed his answer but That Reporter was awesome.

July 22, 2020

Just woke up from this nightmare

I apologize for this thought being half form.

Went to bed with Portland and Covid on my mind.

In the dream Trump/Barr police have been going into cities like he plan - basically continuing to do more arrest. it is Nov -election night and news reports in the dream was the post office being overwhelmed with ballots and still more people who go to vote find that those who had been "arrested" kidnapped by the group now find their names purge from voting rolls. The scariest part of the dream that in some areas of the country that "police" group are running the polling places because we are still dealing with civic lots of sick and dead and Trump is ordering the vote of anyone who voted early or mailed in their ballot before Nov 3rd and have died since those votes should be thrown out.

July 21, 2020

Handmaid's Tale per Gilead.

These paramilitary only seem to be out at night now but how soon before they are seen on the streets during the day and start demanding to see your ID and you having to justify why you are going to work or why you are going to the store.

July 21, 2020

A question About Trump's Paramilitary Group Trump is deploying

Can't the Governor of Oregon call up The National Guard to protect citizens from this Thug squad?

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Member since: Sat Jul 18, 2020, 07:56 PM
Number of posts: 816
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