AndyTiedye's JournalThe Spending that Needs to be Cut is Defense Spending
To call defense spending the elephant in the living room is something of an understatement.
It doesn't fit in the living room anymore, it has burst through the walls into the kitchen and the bathroom and the floor is starting to go.
Cooperatives Are an Antidote to Both the Greed and the Apathy of Capitalists
Capitalism does some things very well, and some things very badly.
Some things are not profitable enough for it to do at all.
Sometimes a cooperative can do it better.
I was one of the original members of the Cambridge Food Co-op when it started back in the 1970s. There was one supermarket in the neighborhood, known for high prices and produce that had always travelled 3000 miles in a truck, even when it was in season locally.
We built the Cambridge Food Co-op in a basement a few doors down and brought much fresher produce (and everything else), better prices, and a lot of healthy stuff that the supermarket simply didn't carry. The co-op was still there when I left the area some years later, I hear it has combined with another food co-op now.
Ryan thrust into central Republican role
Source: Financial Times
Paul Ryan lost his bid for the vice-presidency, but the conservative congressman from Wisconsin returned to Washington as a potential game-changer in the tense negotiations over the fiscal cliff.
John Boehner is his partys chief negotiator in talks between Republicans and Barack Obama in the White House over a budget deal. But Mr Ryans public support or rejection of any compromise reached by Mr Boehner and the president will be key to a deal passing muster with rank and file members.
Mr Ryan has maintained his influence among the conservative base of Republicans in the House, many of whom view defeat in the presidential election as a consequence of the Republican ticket not being conservative enough.
I think he is probably the most powerful person you havent heard anything from, says Chris Krueger, an analyst at Guggenheim Securities.
(may be behind a paywall)
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I posted the following in the comments section:
Ryan's "solution" to the "cliff" is to throw granny off it.
Amateur Radio Operators Understand the Need to be Able to Communicate in an Emergency
If the cellular carriers are going to take such a cavalier attitude towards keeping their networks up
then we need to take matters into our own hands.
Amateur radio is radio for the people.
GOP = Grandma Over the Precipice
Voter ID laws could sway US elections
Almost all the new rules have been enacted in states with Republican governors and GOP-led legislatures. From Wisconsin to Texas, they have passed strict legislation requiring voters to present certain forms of government-issued identification instead of the usual voter registration cards.
Students in Texas would not be able to use their state university ID cards either, but the state would accept voters with permits to carry concealed weapons. (may require subscription)
What Will Those Nukes Do When the BIG ONE Hits?
Let's decommission San Onofre and Diablo Canyon before an earthquake does it for us.
It would be far worse than Fukushima, since there is so much spent fuel on-site,
and the prevailing winds would blow the fallout into the most heavily populated parts of California.
"Made in USA" Forum
I proposed a "Made in USA" forum a while back, it got plenty of votes, but I was asked to wait for DU3.
DU3 is here.
A "Made in USA" forum would help DUers find stuff that is made in the USA, which has become remarkably difficult these days.
This would be particularly useful at this time of year.
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Member since: 2003 before July 6thNumber of posts: 23,533