CoopersDad's JournalMaking the rounds: Wealth Distribution, France 1760-90 vs US 2016
Unless we call this out daily, in every place possible, we will continue to decline.No amount of "reaching across the aisle" will ever fix this. It's time to lean way in on wealth disparity.
I'm going to start opening democratic club meetings with this slide.
Pretty quiet in here. Is "activism" what we need to be doing at this moment?
Enough time has passed for me to set aside the grieving and do something about it.
Our local races had mixed results with DINO wins and progressive losses.
A stronger local action plan if implemented in enough communities could make the difference.
I'm stepping up my local game, I'm going to lean in harder and take on some roles on committees, etc.
Is anyone else?
Heirarchy of transportation hazard controls
Blue Sky discussion:
It is fascinating how cars get premium treatment and priority while cyclists need to wear more orange and just be more careful how they ride. The image in the Blue Sky post is annotated but I couldn't embed the image in this post so can only provide the unedited image below.
Do please click on the first link above.
Amy Siskind: "We will fight back together and prevail, just like last time."
While true, the statement should be stronger. Not only will we get through this, we need to get through this AND lean way into bringing back the democracy that we've been losing over that past two generations, maybe longer.
Eisenhower warned us about the military-industrial complex, Carter warned us about our cultural malaise with roots from the recent past.
We need to do much, much more than prevail because "last time" we did not, apparently, go far enough or else we wouldn't be here now.
Unpacked our Nativity scene yesterday, removed all the Jews, Arabs, and foreigners.
With apologies to sheep everywhere.
Barack Obama reposted this LeBron James video worth watching and sharing.
It speaks for us about the horribleness of now, in this country.
NBC Early Vote Tracker looks good, so far.
Wow! Updated frequently.Link:
Early Vote
Early voting has begun in states across the country where voters are able to cast their ballots either in person or via mail. Some states provide details about the early votes that are cast, including partisan divisions and age of voters, as well as voting method. Vice President Kamala Harris campaign has pushed for Democratic voters to utilize early voting more aggressively, seen as a tactic to help bank votes ahead of Election Day. While former President Donald Trump has been critical of early voting, his campaign and the Republican Party have also been pushing for voters to cast early ballots.
35,546,229 mail-in and early in-person votes cast nationally
Caption this disturbing image from the Turning Point rally yesterday in Duluth:'s Law. We have reached the point in this nation when we must tell the truth.
Trump has earned the dishonor of being compared to Adolf Hitler, among other despots.
Not only is he using the same tactics, he's boastful about it.
The man is sick, he must not be allowed to win, yet we see the polls dangerously close.
Yes, it could happen here, and I never in all my 67 years thought it could, but it's upon us, now.
If you're in a safe state, phonebank to swing state voters or do anything else you can.
SF Police giving out citations to those who don't stop for the chicken crossing the road.
The officers are giving out citations to those who don't stop for the chicken crossing the road.
The gig is paying off as the department has given out about 40 citations with some fines costing upwards of $400.
"If you dont see someone in a giant chicken costume, then we really have a problem," said police Lt. Jonathan Ozol to the SFGate.
"Its having an impact. Drivers seem more aware, more cognizant. Certainly when they see the chicken."
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Gender: MaleHome country: USA
Current location: Santa Cruz County
Member since: Fri May 13, 2016, 09:51 AM
Number of posts: 2,902