Cryptoad's JournalWhat a Quantum Leap it is
when you realize that you are the only person in this world who shares your reality ----then and only then can you obtain any Wisdom. Otherwise one lives one's whole life unaware of their own ignorance.
The Age of Privacy is Dead and Gone.......
Digital Age is driving[pi] a wooden stake thru its heart and I'm loving it.... Total and Absolute transparency is coming....... I'm loving it! No Secrets ,,, no Darkness!
Seems that the HRC haters are ,,,,,
operating much like the GOP did in the General Election of 2012 and 2008, that is to say they energy and focus is directed at "anyone but Clinton" as the GOP's energy and focus was "anybody but Obama".
It hard to elect an "anybody but" as the GOP has shown if you can not put forth a candidate and their positive attributes , you serve no purpose.
I hope for a more progressive viable Dem candidate than HRC but none have stepped forward. Until one does, all this demeaning of HRC serves no purpose except to help the GOP. Rumor control has it that trolls are being funded by Koch thru Papa Paul to pretend to be progressive dems and drive wedges in our party.... you know I am beginning to see where I could believe that.
If you can only support the Democrat Party when your ideal candidate is running, then you are not a Democrat in my book.
I want a viable more progressive candidate
But it is starting to look like noone is going to arise. If not what are our options.
Help to elect a Republican Prez [I can't go there]?
this could take the form of from no voting , to working for a third party candidate, to working directly for the Republican nominee.
or, Help elect Hillary in a manner that if she is elected she might feel an obligation to Progressives for their help.
Koch brothers bombard vulnerable Senate Democrat Kay Hagan
Source: Politico
The Koch brothers have a seemingly bottomless pot of cash this election year and no one knows it better than Sen. Kay Hagan.
Americans for Prosperity, a group co-founded by the conservative billionaires, has already dropped $8.2 million on TV, radio and digital ads in an effort to defeat the North Carolina Democrat. According to sources tracking media buys, the group has so far spent more in North Carolina than all Democratic outside groups in every Senate race in the country combined.
And while AFP wont predict the amount it will ultimately spend in North Carolina, if the conservative group keeps the same pace, itll spend more than $27 million by Election Day in the Tar Heel State. Thats more than twice what any outside group has spent in the past dozen years in North Carolina congressional races.
The staggering figures make North Carolina ground zero in the unprecedented TV war expected to define the 2014 midterm elections. Powerful outside groups like AFP can now raise and spend unlimited money, empowering big donors to single-handedly reshape a race and even determine which party controls the Senate for the final two years of Barack Obamas presidency.
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