Drum's JournalRunway of Power (too good not to share.)
NYTimes no paywall: "Trump Would Be Long Gone if Only We Could ..."
June 12, 2024
By Thomas B. Edsall
Mr. Edsall contributes a weekly column from Washington, D.C., on politics, demographics and inequality.
First four para:
A central predicament of President Bidens campaign is how to persuade voters to abandon Donald Trump.
In 2012 the Obama campaign turned a nice guy, Mitt Romney, into a piece of crap, Steve Murphy, a co-founder of the Democratic media firm MVAR Media, told me. You cant do that to Trump because everybody already knows hes a piece of crap.
Not only do voters know that Trump is a liar and corrupt, narcissistic and venal; his supporters have repeatedly found ways to slide past his liabilities.
In April, before the former president was convicted on 34 felony counts by a New York jury, and again this month, after he was found guilty, YouGov asked voters: Do you think someone who has been convicted of a felony should be allowed to become president?
Could anyone assist me please? Generating a safe, temporary QR code to a PDF?
This would link to a pdf document of the program for a performance we are doing (tomorrow.)
Simply text and a couple of images. Hoping for something free/cheap, though wed prefer it not be directly linked to our email addresses or internal computing.
Any guidance appreciated!
Why I joined DU in 2005
(Edited for accuracy)
Yes, I know, thats only 7000 or so posts from me in 17 years, overwhelming replies. 🤷🏻?♂️
It was Hurricane Katrina. I was going nuts because I couldnt find news on what was happening in New Orleans, a place dear to me from a serial work gig that took me there numerous times in the late 1980s.
I then happened on Democratic Underground and it was sense-at-first-sight: DU presented as (and is) a clearinghouse for a super-diverse band of news media sources, but also a source of news via witnesses, court and agency records, editorials, and of course emotion, wit, snark, and so much love.
A charming dancing skeleton marionette, for Halloween...
This always brings me a smile!
Hey baseball people, I have a question about the Wednesday game betw the Yankees and Blue Jays.
A managerial question.
I got home late from working, and saw the last inning+ and much aftermath of the game, in which Aaron Judge hit his 61st. I caught it from just before the middle of the 8th.
It appeared, in a lot of shots and replays, that Yanks first baseman Anthony Rizzo was managing the game for the Yankees there in the dugout. My first thought, naturally, was that maybe Aaron Boone had gotten ejected, either from something contentious or theatrically effective to stoke the team. I couldnt find and didnt hear any explanation or rationale for it.
My next thought was that it was some sort of a tradition or lark: the Ys had clinched their tough division the night before. Was this something like a tradition or superstition?
Any theories or explanations are welcome!
EDIT TO ADD: Maybe howsabout a day off, sorta, for The Skipper?
How widespread is methamphetimine use in the US?
I lead a kinda isolated life, but do live amongst a lot of people, so Im just curious what anecdotal or verified information there is on this.
Honestly I wonder if it is a contributing factor in the political/base crazy tendencies in our country. 🤷🏻?♂️
Emerson, Lake & Palmer: "Fanfare for the Common Man"
Live video, incredible!
I remember hearing this, but had no idea how they achieved it in a live threesome. Stellar stuff!
Talking Heads: The Great Curve
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Gender: Do not displayHome country: USA
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Member since: Thu Aug 18, 2005, 04:09 PM
Number of posts: 10,084