SaschaHM's JournalIf your supporters are upset, it's up to you to talk them off the ledge.
I know that there are always hurt feelings when a candidate loses and frankly, Bernie is still in this so I'm not counting him out yet. However, I already see surrogates demanding for Biden to have an answer for all of Sander's promises. Those weren't happening even if Bernie had won. He's never had the votes. It is time for him and his surrogates to have a reckoning in regards to the things that they've promised these young people.
It's not a crime to dream big, but the amount of people that believe that these things would be actually realized in a Sanders administration is staggering.
Caucus debacle aside, the change in discourse on who can win should be why we change the order.
The Candidate w/ 48~50% AA support nationwide finished fourth in a predominately white caucus and everyone is talking about how his campaign is on life support. Make it make sense.
People will fight tooth and nail to defend this because it may boost their candidate, but how can we as a party expect the vote of a crucial voting block if we winnow their choices before they even have input?
A state like Illinois should be the first primary.
This was always the conclusion. We're just here a week earlier.
Lamar Alexander is a coward. However, at this point, no witness and no amount of public pressure was going to flip the 20 senators that we needed to remove trump.
Acquittal was always in the card. What was at question was whether the Republican Party would acquit him after a semblance of a fair trial or after a rushed together cover up. They chose the latter and we need to remind voters of that every day until they are out of the Senate.
Foreign dictators don't take meetings with house members unless there is something to gain.
Why are we people pretending that Tulsi was on a grand diplomatic mission when she was a powerless house member with no influence on Syrian policy?
The only reason Assad would take a meeting from someone that could offer him nothing is if he felt that they were a sympathetic ear. No dictator is going to risk being lambasted by a house member after rolling out the red carpet.
Here we go again. Democrats wonder why accountability to AA voters exist after begging for our votes
This really isn't a difficult or hard thing. When you cater to and get elected because of a certain crowd, you take on different responsibilities than someone who ran on values counter than that.
Big NC news! Republican super majority has been broken in the NC House! of the biggest highlights of 2016 was Gov. Cooper beating our transphobic former Gov. Unfortunately he was saddled with a legislature that could easily override his vetos. That no longer is the case. It also looks like we're getting a 5-2 Dem majority on our Supreme Court!
Every single government official with a hand in this "Caravan" stunt needs to testify.
This was a calculated attempt to swing certain races (which it did), by using Government resources to hype up and combat a seemingly nonexistent threat. Everybody involved needs to get torn a new one by the Dem house or else it will just happen again in 2020.
Silver Lining (outside of probably taking the House): MI, PA, WI
The 3 states that ultimately spelled doom for HRC have elected/re-elected Democrats statewide. That Blue Firewall is looking strong again.
We took and are projected to take the Senate and Gov seats in those states. That's amazing. That's something we should celebrate.
If Senators are making coordinated calls for Franken to resign and his office has scheduled ...
an announcement for tomorrow.
Then the odds are that his decision was made prior to any tweet from any senator. Franken can see the political calculus on the wall as well as anyone else, and he knows that the steady stream of accusers (be they real or fake) is a distraction that no one needs or wants.
Franken isn't being forced out by a surprising onslaught of calls to resign. He's taking a hit and allowing his caucus to take cover beforehand. This was queued up and ready to go.
Can we save the #VAGOV freakouts until atleast half of NoVA is in?
VA Twitler Jr. is going to be winning for a while after the voting stops just like Trump was in 2016 and that crazy guy was in 2013 that's just how vote counting in VA works w/ NoVa reporting in close to last. .
For everyone's sanity, can we please hold back the "THE DNC IS DEAD." "NEOLIBERALS COST US VA" "WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO?" until 50-60% of NoVA counties have reported in (i.e. 1-2 hours after the polls close)?
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