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albacore's Journal
albacore's Journal
July 16, 2024

Bill Clinton was impeached for lying about a BJ...trump has immunity for felonies.

Ya gotta love the Murikan legal system.

July 14, 2024

For you history fans... Isn't it amazing how one dipshit with a gun can change the course of world history?

Think of where we'd be if Booth hadn't shot Lincoln. The South would be very different today.
Think of where we'd be if Czolgosz hadn't shot McKinley...McKinley was a rabid Imperialist.
Think of where we'd be if Princip hadn't shot Franz Ferdinand. 20 million died because of WWI.
Think of where we'd be if Oswald hadn't shot Kennedy. Vietnam would not have happened...perhaps.
Even failed attempts changed history.
Think of where we'd be if Zangara had succeeded in killing FDR in 1933. The Depression might have gone on longer and the New Deal measure we enjoy today would not exist.
Think of where we'd be if Hinckley had succeeded in killing Reagan. The end of the Cold War might have been entirely different, and Reaganomics would exist only in the wet-dreams of the Heritage Foundation.

Think of where we'd be if .... well...I don't want to say, but if this attempted assassination boosts trump's chances of regaining the White House, that one gunman will change the course of world history.

June 30, 2024

I'm so old that I remember the Kennedy-Nixon debates.

I remember a tanned, well-coifed Kennedy and a pale, ferret-faced Nixon.
Kennedy clearly won the debate. Or so I and many Americans believed.
Looking back, the picture is not so clear. Kennedy looked tan because that is a symptom of Addison's disease, a disorder that could have knocked him out of the race had it been known to the public. Kennedy's make-up was flawless, as was his demeanor.
Kennedy had a single, lackluster term in the senate, and virtually no political experience.
Nixon was an experienced congressman, and had sponsored and passed serious legislation (not that I agreed with any of it). He was well known and regarded in DC.
Nixon had injured his knee during the summer of 1960 and spent 2 weeks in the hospital. He came out sallow and 20 lbs lighter...and frail. He looked like shit. His makeup for the debate was not flattering.
The debate substance showed both candidates were pretty close in their positions, with a few non-exciting exceptions. Radio audiences tended to say Nixon won. TV audiences clearly went with Kennedy.
Kennedy won by about 113,000 popular votes out of over 68 million cast. (Kennedy clearly won the electoral vote.)
My purpose in this little pedantic exercise?
Appearances are important to Murikan voters, and one defining moment can change election outcomes.
I fear that one stumble by Biden...the one about Medicare...could decide the election. And it will be replayed ad nauseam by the Repubs.
TFG had a good night. He didn't wet himself or foam at the mouth. Of course, he lied every time he spoke, but substance is not important to many voters, and trump's lies have become institutionalized.
Not suggesting any action, just pointing out that Murikan voters rely on appearance rather than substance.
If they do that this time....we are ALL fucked.

June 29, 2024

DOJ. I know they hate leaks and leakers, but it might be in their own self-interest to be a little...

..more forthcoming with dirt on TFG.
If he gets in, TFG will take no prisoners at the DOJ, FBI, NSA.... shit, ANY of the alphabet bureaus.
If the spooks in those agencies can't cleanly leak material, they ain't worth shit as spooks.

June 26, 2024

Small, modular nuclear reactors....SMRs...

This morning I posted last on a thread about nuclear power. Got no views.
I haven't done much research, but some DUers probably have.
What about small nuclear reactors?
On the face of it, looks interesting.
Or am I searching for an easy, cheap fix to the power problem?

"Small nuclear reactors, also known as microreactors or small modular reactors (SMRs), are smaller versions of traditional nuclear reactors that can be used in a variety of settings:
These compact reactors can be 100–1,000 times smaller than conventional reactors and are designed to be portable. They can be transported by truck and are expected to operate for years without refueling. Microreactors could be used to generate power in remote locations, such as isolated communities, rural areas, and remote mining sites. They could also be used for military installations and in locations recovering from natural disasters.
These advanced reactors are a fraction of the size of conventional reactors and can produce up to 300 MW(e) of power per unit. SMRs are designed to be built in factories, shipped to sites, and installed to power buildings and other commercial operations. They are modular, meaning that their systems and components can be factory-assembled and transported as a unit. SMRs are designed to be low cost, durable, and reliable, and could help meet global net zero ambitions and increase energy security

June 16, 2024

All the threads about the upcoming (?) debate... and the talk of an earpiece for trump...

And I haven't seen anything about electronic counter-measures by the Biden camp.
Earpieces are radio waves, right?
Can't they be jammed?
I still think trump will not debate.
He's close to melt-down right now.

May 6, 2024

Chyron on MSNBC now... "trump leads Biden by 17% on immigration..."

WTF? Do the dumbshits in this country think trump would wave a magic wand and solve a problem as complex as immigration? Do they think walls will keep desperate people out? Detention camps??
They are risking their fucking lives..and that of their children...to get here. Nothing will deter them.
As warming ... and political unrest...increase, it's gonna get worse. We need some plans, not bumper-sticker-slogans.
And once again, Murikans fail to deal with reality.

March 7, 2024

Earth movement insurance....

I've got earthquake insurance on my house, but that doesn't cover any other kind of earth movement... like mudslides or slippage on a hill. In WA, we know about rain-soaked hillsides.
I live near, but not on, the edge of a hill, and would like to know if there is any insurance that would cover my situation.
Anybody got any ideas?

February 15, 2024

Sir Roger Penrose.... Nobel laureat in 2020...black holes... etc, etc,etc...

...is 92, and writing and speaking on Quantum Consciousness and other things that I cannot comprehend.

Biden, of course, is handicapped because he's only 81.
When did age and experience become negative characteristics?
Especially in someone with a recent record of accomplishment.
(I wish he was 20 years younger, but I wish the same of myself.)

February 5, 2024

Housing for the servants...

My wife and I bike around our small Washington state town, and we see all the new houses being built... and sold like hotcakes....we ask ourselves: "Who can afford a $900,000 house. Where are the regular people, like the teachers, going to live?"
A Colorado school district may have an answer... tiny-house teacher ghettos. 352 sq ft houses that the district will rent to employees for $825/month.
Welcome to the future, folks. Tiny (rental) houses for the servants, mansions for the monied elite.

"Harrison School District 2 in Colorado Springs is in the planning stages of building 20, 352-square-feet duplexes on an acre parcel at the district's Mountain Vista Community School.
The $6 million dollar project will offer electrically powered homes at a rent of $825 a month. The average rent in Colorado Springs is $1,720 per month and the average home price is $523,456.
The salary for new teachers in the district is $47,545"


Profile Information

Gender: Male
Hometown: Poulsbo WA
Home country: United States
Current location: Poulsbo
Member since: Sun Aug 26, 2018, 12:47 PM
Number of posts: 2,440
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