onecaliberal's JournalAre you better off? Let's take a stroll down memory lane... former presidents allies want voters to recall their lives four years back, but March 2020 was a harrowing period most people would rather forget. In this 2024 election cycle, its crucial to remember.
To the extent that anyone observes an anniversary of the pandemic, it is this week, the second week of March, when the World Health Organization declared a pandemic; American corporations began a slow-motion shutdown; the NBA suspended its season; and the Trump administration (belatedly) declared a nationwide emergency. But the preceding weeks were critical.
In January and February 2020, Trump repeatedly claimed that the coronavirus was under control and downplayed the dangers. He effusively praised Chinas handling of the outbreak and said, on January 30, that we think its going to have a very good ending for us.
Womp womp!
Why is no one investigating the more than 29 credible allegations
Of sexual assault and worse by trump?
The republicans did it now. I am a single issue voter.
I am done with these people thinking they can control other peoples lives and decide what they can have and be.
On Edit: I have NEVER voted for a recon and I never will.
Why is Michael Cohen the only person to go down for stormy Daniels pay off?
Who told him to pay her? Why didnt they go to prison?
Republicans really are the death party.
Theyre not interested in governing to help improve the lives of all Americans. Their sole purpose is to destroy the government from the inside.
They lied about COVID. 700,000 dead people.
They lie about guns. 100,000 at least dead this year.
They lie about healthcare killing untold numbers of Americans every year.
Republicans have nothing positive or good for the country. I have to believe a majority of people think like me, and not like them.
Serious question.
What is taking so long re: the Matt Gaetz investigation into human trafficking?
Why do white men get away with this kind of crime against children?
A vote for republicans is a vote for death and destruction. 700,000 americans are dead.
republicans did NOT lift a finger to help anyone, republicans lied repeatedly costing more lives. If that is not bad enough, republicans are busy right now rigging the next election.
The bloated tic and his sycophants are rape and murder loving cowards that are burning down the planet and the criminal media is supplying the matches.
Let me see if I've got this straight.
Reporters have information that is vital to democracy but they withhold it for years instead of you know informing the public so they can enrich themselves?
How are these people any better than trump or the despicable bastards they write about?
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