proudretiredvet's JournalThis really sucks. Unbelievable Ukraine video.
I read this morning that things in the Ukraine are getting better, that the violence was declining. Then I found this.
I am not positive when it was taken but these are unarmed Ukraine citizens being shot by their own country.
I literally have no words.
Question of culture and how we interpret loud yelling and sound.
First this is a legitimate question not meant to center on any race and is not a man verses woman thing.
Our nation is built up of many different cultures not just one American culture.
I know some families who communicate by screaming at each other constantly. This is a white family. It not only drives me nuts, it drives me away.
In our home and the homes of our multiracial extended family that screaming is considered to be rude and is not accepted.
Each of us are a product of our environment and will make judgments accordingly.
When someone comes at me screaming and yelling I interpret this as an aggressive act. I know others who do not.
How do you internalize and react to someone screaming at you.
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