sdfernando's JournalLets have some fun today and play "Trump is so stupid that....."
I'll start with:
Trump is so stupid that if you asked him to define "ad-hominem" he would say it was part of a soup recipe.
When we win and have a new Democratic President in 2020
I hope that on day 1, immediately after taking the oath of office, before moving onto the inauguration parties, the new President:
1) Issues an order revoking the security clearance of every god-damned traitor in the orange pustule's administration
2) Has every cabinet member, political office holder, White House staffer brought in by that thing escorted out the door and kicked in the ass on the way out
3) Doesn't take up residence in the White House or Oval Office, nor any other meeting space, until a complete and thorough sweep of said spaces for any bugs or listening devices is made and a certified "all-clear" is given.
4) Ditto for the V.P.s spaces
What else DU?
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