vlyons's JournalJimmy Carter is a happy man. Want to know why?
Because he devoted his life to working for the benefit of others. Whether he was monitoring elections in foreign countries or building houses for Habitat for Humanity, his motivation was always to add value and work for the benefit and happiness of others.
He could have worked to amass a vast fortune lobbying for Wall St or some defense contractor. But no, he didn't need to become a billionaire. He had his farm, his wife, his Sunday School gig, and his work living up to his aspiration to follow the teachings of Jesus -- love your enemies, do unto others, welcome the stranger, feed, cloth, and house the disadvantaged. Basically work for the benefit and happiness of others. This also explains why TFG is not a happy man.
Here's a pic of a happy Jimmy Carter, working for the benefit of others.
Was anyone from the Mayor's office or police chief present
at Tyre Nichols funeral?
I turn the sound OFF during the Republican nomination speeches
I can't listen to their lies, cheap shots, and pretending to be virtuous and speak for the American people.
If the RWers think gov stinks now, just wait to when the ReThugs crash the economy, no social security checks for Mom and Dad, and people lose their jobs.
Here's a thought ---
So much easier to just buy a big gavel, take a picture of himself holding it, frame and hang the picture on the wall.
Is George Santos even a US citizen?
He says that he's "Brazilian-American." Does he have a US birth certificate or naturalization document?
The fake electors scheme is the one that blows me away
And people in states actually signed their names to fake elector rolls that would be sent into the Fed archives? How stupid is that? That's called forgery, among other things.
Undecidedd -- Musk Theme Song
I'm so tired of Musk and his Twitter crap. I deleted my account long ago. Completely hypocritical and unreliable.
Undecided seems like an apt theme song.
Trump's digital trading cards -- I don't get it
Hey I'm an old lady of 75, so I've never heard of digital trading cards. Are there actually such things? If they are digital, how are they traded? If they are merely digital files, what's to prevent someone from simply copying the files?
They are quite ugly, who would spend money on such nonsense?
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