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Her Sister

Her Sister's Journal
Her Sister's Journal
March 6, 2016

here more about his rel'p with Congress and other Senators


"Mr. Sanders’s disdain for the things he views as unimportant is matched by his single-minded focus on the things he says are of real consequence, like the future of Social Security.

At the Democratic caucus lunches, at which he is a fixture, “all he ever talks about is Social Security,” one congressional aide said. “He doesn’t even try to relate it to the topic at hand."
March 6, 2016

The origins of Sanders' ideology, in his own words

This article is long but fleshes out some of BS life:


By 1976, Sanders had run twice each for governor and the Senate, as a candidate of the Liberty Union Party. The more colorful elements of the third party's platform included a call for the Rockefeller family fortune to be seized to fund government programs; legalizing all drugs, including heroin; and widening the ramps of interstate highways to make it easier for drivers to pick up hitchhikers.

He lost all four elections, attracting no more than single-digit support in each race.

During these early years in Vermont, Sanders supported his constant quest for public office working odd jobs as a carpenter, a documentarian, a door-to-door film strip salesman and, while running his first campaign, subsisting on unemployment benefits.

A little-discussed chapter in Bernie Sanders' life
They are times Sanders talks little about, even though his hardscrabble years could endear him to struggling Americans who are gravitating toward his message of a rigged economy and income inequality.

With the exception of his efforts during the Civil-Rights era -- organizing a 15-day sit-in as an undergrad at the University of Chicago to protest segregated housing and participating in the 1963 March on Washington -- Sanders seldom discusses his personal biography before running for the House of Representatives in the late 1980s.

March 6, 2016

Vetting Herr Trump!! should be easy! (HRC GP)

The complete guide to how Trump can make himself the first American dictator

"If Trump is elected president, will constitutional law and American political institutions protect us from a would-be dictator? Europeans worry about the emergence of Caesarism in the United States, just as the founders did when they invented the presidency. Authoritarianism is making gains around the world; why not here? Of course, Trump may not want to be a dictator. He has repeatedly stated his desire to make “deals,” implying a willingness to cooperate with Congress. But there is no reason to believe anything he says; many of his actions and statements are those of someone with a dictatorial mentality if nothing else, and his popular support derives from his authoritarian image: he appeals to people who yearn for a strongman to protect them. So the question is worth asking. What is the answer?..... more...."

21 Questions For Donald Trump by David Cay Johnston

"I have covered Donald Trump off and on for 27 years — including breaking the story that in 1990, when he claimed to be worth $3 billion but could not pay interest on loans coming due, his bankers put his net worth at minus $295 million. And so I have closely watched what Trump does and what government documents reveal about his conduct.
Reporters, competing Republican candidates, and voters would learn a lot about Trump if they asked for complete answers to these 21 questions. more...

10. A federal judge later found you conspired to cheat both the Polish workers, who were paid less than $5 an hour cash with no benefits, and the union health and welfare fund. You testified that you did not notice the Polish workers, whom the judge noted were easy to spot because they were the only ones on the work site without hard hats."

7 Takeaways from Vanity Fair’s 1990 Profile of Donald Trump

"Twenty-five years ago, this magazine’s Marie Brenner spent some time with Trump for an investigation into the dissolution of his marriage to Ivana Trump. In retrospect, the story has all the trappings of a perfect Trump piece: discord between reality and Trump’s claims about it, accusations of disloyalty, and triumphant highs amid a string of batted-away lows. Here are seven takeaways that still matter.

1. Trump’s views on women are repugnant. Here’s how Donald explained the tabloid fascination with Ivana: “When a man leaves a woman, especially when it was perceived that he has left for a piece of ass—a good one!—there are 50 percent of the population who will love the woman who was left.”

March 5, 2016



Good website to see results as it unfolds. Scroll down to see Democrats. And also click on States on the Map and you get specific votes/counts.

Already it shows Cruz ahead of Trump in Kansas 2% reporting.

March 2, 2016

I think the reason for Democrats low turnout

is that lots don't care who wins the nomination and just are waiting for the people who do care to choose the nominee.

They know they will vote Democrat and they like both candidates and they just don't want to put the time and effort on the primary. But will let us, the bunch who cares battle it out. Come November they will come to vote for the Democrat we choose. Especially with the roster that the Republicans have chosen.

March 1, 2016



"Super Tuesday: Live Coverage
2016 ELECTION UPDATED 6:23 PM MAR 1, 2016

Q: What is a good/great/bad night for Hillary in delegate count — what is her/Bernie’s floor/ceiling? — commenter Rodrigo Paramo

A: Our delegate tracker interactive projects that Clinton would need to win 453 delegates tonight to be “on track” for a majority of pledged delegates, while Sanders would need 412. So, I’d say anything under close to 500 would be a very good night for Clinton, while anything over 550 would be a terrific night. Anything over 400 would be a celebration-worthy night for Sanders, while anything under 300 would be a viability-devastating outcome for him."
February 29, 2016

Hillary Clinton Fans Take To Google Docs To Debunk "Lies"

Clinton fans are coming up with answers for every accusation lodged at the Democratic frontrunner. http://www.vocativ.com/news/279717/hillary-clinton-google-doc/

"A group of dedicated Hillary Clinton supporters are hustling to finish a shared Google doc that aims to combat supposed misinformation about the presidential candidate.

The document, called the Clinton FAQ, surfaced after the Iowa caucus in a thread on the /r/HillaryClinton subreddit, where users vowed to find the best ways to address the former secretary of state’s biggest political flubs, Vocativ’s analysts discovered. Issues include the 2012 attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya that killed U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and Foreign Service Information Management Officer Sean Smith, as well as concerns over classified materials discovered in Clinton’s private email account, among others.

Every answer provided by the Clinton supporters is backed by multiple sources, as well as personal anecdotes. A user addressing Hillary’s changing position on LGBT rights relayed how he, a gay man with lesbian parents, always viewed the Clintons as allies to the LGBT movement."

https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IozeV9ybkvGa0uiHtkRwfqjndqyB21OPrxzBoF5NeHA/edit?pref=2&pli=1 (scroll down)

A few questions answered here. Example:

The Republicans Hate Hillary!
Question: Can Hillary find common ground with republicans?
Answer: While this is not something that can be proved directly we can point to her record, Hillary has tirelessly worked across the aisle and Republicans actually have some pretty nice things to say about her.

Paul Ryan
Back in January 2013, though, he was fresh off a losing presidential ticket when he suggested that Hillary Clinton in the White House would have ensured a return to a balanced budget. “Look, if we had a Clinton presidency, if we had Erskine Bowles as chief of staff of the White House or president of the United States, I think we would have fixed this fiscal mess by now,” he said. “That’s not the kind of presidency we’re dealing with right now.”

Carly Fiorina
Fiorina said: “Having started as a secretary and eventually become a chief executive officer, I not only have great admiration and respect for Hillary Clinton and her candidacy and her leadership, but I also have great empathy, I must tell you, for what she went through.”

Orrin Hatch
“I happen to like Hillary Clinton; I think she’s done a good job for the… secretary of state’s position, and I have high respect for her and think a great deal of her.”

John McCain
McCain praised Clinton as “an international star” who has done “a tremendous job” as secretary of state. He also later told to CBS News, “I respect Secretary/Senator Clinton; I respect her views.”

Condoleezza Rice
“Hillary Clinton is someone I’ve known for a long, long time. She’s a patriot. I think she’s doing a lot of the right things.” Rice then added, “She’s very tough... and she’s got the right instincts.” George W. Bush’s top foreign-policy aide stood by those words two years later, when she described Clinton as “great” to Ohio Republicans.

Lindsey Graham
“a good role model, one of the most effective secretary of states, greatest ambassadors for the American people that I have known in my lifetime” in May 2012. The Republican also went out of his way to praise Clinton to The New York Times three months later, saying, “She is extremely well-respected throughout the world, handles herself in a very classy way, and has a work ethic second to none.”

Jeb Bush
“Hillary Rodham Clinton, who many believe can win the 2016 Democratic nomination for president, if she wants it, is the winner of the 2013 Liberty Medal. The award is to be presented Sept. 10 to Clinton by former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, chairman of the National Constitution Center and a possible contender for the 2016 Republican nomination. Politics aside, Bush praised Clinton in a statement released Thursday announcing her selection. ‘Former Secretary Clinton has dedicated her life to serving and engaging people across the world in democracy,’ Bush said. ‘These efforts as a citizen, an activist, and a leader have earned Secretary Clinton this year’s Liberty Medal.’”

John Kasich
“I know her. I like her. I’ve worked with her.”

Marsha BlackBurn
“On CNN’s Late Edition with Wolf Blitzer, Tennessee Rep. Marsha Blackburn said Clinton would be a good fit for the position. ‘I think that Hillary Clinton will probably accept that, from what I am hearing. I think it would be a nice gesture. I think that she is well qualified,” said the Republican congresswoman.’”

Jeff Duncan
The one thing the Obama Administration got right was a Transboundary Hydrocarbon Agreement signed with Mexico by Hillary Clinton in a summit in Cabo.

Peter King
BANFIELD: I wonder if you think that the former U.N. Ambassador John Bolton’s comments about the secretary, and in my words, faking an illness, in his words, having a diplomatic illness to beat the band, are deserving of an apology.
KING: I certainly wouldn’t have said it, especially knowing Hillary Clinton and what a tough warrior she is. To me, there’s never a basis for that. Even if I didn’t agree with someone, you should always give them the benefit of the doubt when it comes to a health issue. The only thing I’d say in Bolton’s defense, and I’m being sarcastic when I say this — it is hard for me to imagine Hillary Clinton ever being sick. She’s one of the strongest people I’ve ever met in my life. But obviously, she was ill. It could have been serious. It wasn’t, thank god. And I would not have said what the Ambassador Bolton did. How he wants to handle it with her, that’s up to him. But I’m just delighted

David Petraeus
"She’d make a tremendous President.” According to a book review in The Wall Street Journal, “Gen. Petraeus also emerges as a Clinton character witness here, declaring that Mrs. Clinton was ‘extraordinarily resolute, determined and controlled’ in the wake of the attack.

Henry Kissinger
“She ran the State Department in the most effective way that I’ve ever seen."
“I’ve known her for many years now, and I respect her intellect.”
“She’d [Sec. Clinton would] put me under a great conflict of interest if she were a candidate, because I tend to support the Republicans… Yes, I’d be comfortable with her as the president.”

Judd Gregg
“U.S. Senator Judd Gregg (R-NH) today issued the following statement upon U.S. Senate confirmation of Senator Hillary Clinton to be the Secretary of State. Senator Gregg, the Ranking Member of the State and Foreign Operations and Related Programs Subcommittee, stated, ‘Today’s overwhelming confirmation of Senator Hillary Clinton to be our next Secretary of State is a testament to the well regarded talents and qualifications she will bring to the job of overseeing our nation’s foreign policy. Like Secretary Condoleezza Rice, Senator Clinton will be a positive voice to carry America’s message around the world. As the Ranking Member of the Appropriations Subcommittee tasked with funding State Department activities, I look forward to continuing my work with Senator Clinton to advance our nation’s interests through U.S. diplomatic programs and activities.’”

Jim Inhofe
“Today in voting to confirm Senator Clinton as Secretary of State, I voted for someone who is well qualified and someone I know I can work with on a range of issues. To be certain, there are many areas where Senator Clinton and I disagree. However, I appreciate her recognition of the need to combat al Qaeda’s efforts to seek safe havens in failed states in the Horn of Africa, which is something I have worked to accomplish through my many trips to Africa and my legislation to establish global partnerships. I strongly agree with her support of Israel’s right to defend itself. Finally, I appreciate her challenge to Iran to end its nuclear weapons program, and her pledge to work to end Iran’s and Syria’s dangerous behavior so that they instead become constructive actors in the Middle East. Diplomacy has a crucial role, but I also trust and will ensure that where stronger efforts need to be made, U.S. foreign policy will include the strong arm of military where diplomacy fails. Furthermore, Senator Clinton has demonstrated a willingness to work across the aisle, as we have worked together on legislation through our positions the Senate Armed Services Committee and Environment and Public Works Committee"

Jon Kyl
“Sen. Jon Kyl of Arizona also said Clinton would be a good choice for the post. ‘It seems to me she’s got the experience, she’s got the temperament for it,’ he said on Fox News Sunday. ‘She would be well-received around the world.’”

Richard Lugar
“I’ve frequently said the foremost criteria for selecting a National Security Cabinet official should be whether the nominee is a “big leaguer” who has achieved extraordinary accomplishments, is well- known to the world, understands both process and policy, and can command global respect. In Senator Clinton, President-Elect Obama has boldly chosen the epitome of a ‘big leaguer.’
“I’ve frequently said the foremost criteria for selecting a National Security Cabinet official should be whether the nominee is a “big leaguer” who has achieved extraordinary accomplishments, is well- known to the world, understands both process and policy, and can command global respect. In Senator Clinton, President-Elect Obama has boldly chosen the epitome of a ‘big leaguer.’

Mitch McConnell
“Hillary Clinton’s been here [to Kentucky] before. She was here the day before the election the last time I ran. We’re good friends. She’s doing what candidates for president do. One thing I think is noteworthy though, Alison Grimes doesn’t have any trouble announcing she voted for Clinton even though apparently she doesn’t want to say she voted for Barack Obama."

Lisa Murkowski
“Thank you Mr. Chairman. And welcome to you, Senator Clinton. Thank you for your leadership, for your willingness to step forward and assume this very, very important position for our country, for the nation. I truly appreciate all that you are poised to do and what you have done in the past.”

Olympia Snowe
“Among the field of presumptive presidential candidates, Snowe said former secretary of state Hillary Clinton and former Florida governor Jeb Bush are likeliest to govern in a bipartisan fashion.”

John Warner
“Despite her lack of seniority on the Armed Services Committee, she won the admiration of its senior members. Sen. John W. Warner of Virginia, then chairman, described Clinton as ‘very industrious. She does her homework very carefully.’”


February 29, 2016

Interesting about Trump :


"I have covered Donald Trump off and on for 27 years — including breaking the story that in 1990, when he claimed to be worth $3 billion but could not pay interest on loans coming due, his bankers put his net worth at minus $295 million. And so I have closely watched what Trump does and what government documents reveal about his conduct.

Reporters, competing Republican candidates, and voters would learn a lot about Trump if they asked for complete answers to these 21 questions.

So, Mr. Trump…"

This person wrote a investigative book about Trump. Really trump needs to be vetted more and more.

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