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NoRoadUntravelled's Journal
NoRoadUntravelled's Journal
October 30, 2020

Internal Documents Reveal COVID-19 Hospitalization Data The Government Keeps Hidden - NPR

"About 24% of U.S. hospitals are using more than 80% of their ICU capacity, based on reporting from nearly 5,000 "priority facilities," and more hospitals have joined their ranks in recent weeks."

The above is information that is shared only with a select few insiders.

"The documents show that detailed information hospitals report to HHS every day is reviewed and analyzed — but circulation seems to be limited to a few dozen government staffers from HHS and its agencies, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and National Institutes of Health, according to distribution lists reviewed by NPR. Only one member of the White House Coronavirus Task Force, Adm. Brett Giroir, appears to receive the documents directly."


October 27, 2020

What do you think? Pragmatic preparedness or fear mongering?

This article from newsletter "Waging nonviolence" raises some questions and offers solutions.
I'm interested to hear DUer's thoughts on this.


"As coup prevention has gained mainstream attention, here’s a series of tactics with a plan to defend our democracy.
It’s Nov. 4. Votes are still being counted in dozens of states and election results are not final. But Trump tweets that he won while claiming massive fraud from mail-in ballots. Trump loyalists prepare to ignore election results. What do folks do next?"

Before talking tactics, it’s worth asking: Is a coup really possible?

"Recall the Bush-Gore election in 2000. While election officials began a recount, a group of Republican operatives were ordered to “stop them.” They attempted to bully their way into a Florida election office, trampling and punching people. This became known as the “Brooks Brothers riots,” with unusual protesters who were “50-year-old white lawyers with cell phones and Hermès ties.

The bourgeois riot’s pressure on the election officials — which included both an inside strategy of lawsuits and the outside strategy of protests — resulted in them ceasing the recount and changed the course of the national outcome.

The Brooks Brothers riots worked in large part because there was no meaningful counter-narrative of street protests. We’re already neutering that by being in the streets, even if we don’t end up confronting every regressive action to support a coup."

"If a coup doesn’t happen, is the preparation worth it?

Absolutely. I’ve been part of efforts where our preparation alone kept the opposition from mobilizing against us.

Further, we’re teaching how power works. Trump’s tweets don’t determine the outcome of the election. People do. Our job isn’t over when the election is over — we need to understand how power works to make change for the future. Because the fight to save our country and the planet is just beginning."

Full article:

October 26, 2020

I can see the memes already.

Pence presiding over the Senate vote as the Grim Reaper.

I wonder if he'll be attending the Rose Garden party, too.

October 24, 2020

Trump and his enablers are equal opportunity haters. They hate all of us, not just the Democrats.

They hold us in disdain. Each of us. They hate us for being dumb enough to vote for him or they hate us because we didn't.

They hate us for being gullible enough to believe their lies and they hate us for calling them out.

They hate us for dying of Covid19. They hate us for mentioning the failed policies that caused it.

Nearly a quarter million of our friends, families, co-workers and neighbors, dead. Millions of us out of work. Millions of us don't know how we'll pay our bills, buy food or how long we'll have a place to live.

He disdains those he cannot dominate, those who take a knee. He has no respect for the crowds that cheer him. They are too easily duped by the spraying lies. Contaminated droplets hover in propaganda charged venues. Frenzied shouts of "Lock her up" fill the space. He stands at the podium and grins as the crowd inhales the sickness and chants it out again.

Enough now. No more hate. No more lies. No more corruption. No more threats to our healthcare our Social Security and Medicare. No more threats to states that don't share his views. No more threats to our public lands. No more destroying the environment. No more babies in cages.
Enough. Enough. Vote.

October 21, 2020

Iran trying to meddle in U.S. election, Russia has obtained American voter info, officials say

Source: CNBC

"Iran is taking steps to interfere in the U.S. presidential election, and Russia has obtained American voter information, national security officials announced Wednesday night.
Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe Iran has been sending “spoof emails designed to intimdate voters, incite unrest and damage President” Donald Trump."

Read more: https://www.cnbc.com/2020/10/21/fbi-to-make-an-announcement-on-a-major-election-security-issue.html

October 19, 2020

Oh boy. He's coming back to AZ to spread his diseases.

Numbers are already going up (again) in Arizona and the Covid Super Spreader will be back here today to make sure even more people get infected. Maskless maniacs cheer his lies as he works to take down the country.


October 17, 2020

I love that we can track our ballots in AZ.

Checked on mine last night. Ballot was accepted. Signature good.

October 12, 2020

tRump daughter uses Beatles song without permission, everyone stands for her as she walks on stage.

It's getting more creepy as time goes on.

"Everyone stood for her as she walked onto the stage to The Beatles' "Here Comes the Sun." Some in the audience wore masks, but most sat close together in chairs that were not more than one or two feet apart."

WH Barbie, the advisor with no credentials except nepotism is becoming an object of idol worship.
Here Comes the Sun? Really?

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Member since: Sat Mar 21, 2020, 01:01 PM
Number of posts: 2,626
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