Kittycatkat's JournalHow do I stop a recurring DU payment?
I thought it was a once a year automatic payment, and a payment has been taken out every month for over a year. I do not appreciate how hard it has been, and I appreciate the help.
(202) 624-6800 Let the Teamsters know how you feel. IMO not supporting Kamala, is supporting a rapist and a felon
Source: International Brotherhood of Teamsters website
and I already called and told them so. I no longer support them if they cant support democracy.
General President Sean M. OBrien
International Brotherhood of Teamsters
25 Louisiana Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20001
General Secretary-Treasurer Fred Zuckerman
International Brotherhood of Teamsters
Office of the General Secretary-Treasurer
25 Louisiana Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20001
(202) 624-6800
Read more:
International Brotherhood if Teamsters website
Elon Musk is part of the problem. I don't use or support X anymore than I did twitter
why do so many dems use X? I cant tell you how frustrating it is to want to read an article here on DU, only to click on article and find, X!
Are you voting Cat Lady or Scaredy Cat and why?
Ill start: Im voting Cat Lady because she is strong and competent and is willing to get up and face her challenger in a debate. Scaredy Cat is apprehensive about a debate because he is weak and incoherent. Also, Scaredy Cat never makes the kitty liter and poops himself during debate when Cat Lady brings it!
Who are we? We are Cat Ladies, and we take down "Scaredy Cats".
Scaredy Cats are afraid. Scaredy Cats are a threat to democracy. Scaredy Cats are terrified of losing the privilege that they consider their birthright. Scaredy Cats not only despise Cat Women, they probably despise you too. Trump is a Scaredy Cat. JD Vance is a Scaredy Cat. Scaredy Cats hate democracy. Scaredy Cats love Authoritarianism. Scaredy Cats are dangerous, and theyd rather you view Cat Ladies as the threat, instead of looking the real threat straight in their eyes. Time to take down these tired, amoral, weak minded, perilously privileged Scaredy Cats.
Who do you think "co-conspirator #20" is?
If you voted today, how was the turnout in your neck of the woods?
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Member since: Sat Sep 5, 2020, 06:11 PMNumber of posts: 1,746