NastyRiffraff's JournalKHiver switching to Biden
I'm still grieving, but this election is too important to sit on the sidelines. I really like Klobichar, but I want to win, so I'll be volunteering for Joe. I think he'll be training his successor, so I hope he'll pick Kamala as his VP.
I hate what the media, the Right, and some on the Left have done to Kamala. It had all the hallmarks of a coordinated, planned campaign. It was sudden, and brutal.
I don't want to sound like sour grapes; I like Joe; always have. But I hate what happened to Kamala.
Does Iowa still matter?
or New Hampshire? I know a win in one of both of the 2 early states can mean a boost for a candidate, but in the long run, do they matter, since subsequent primaries and caucuses are very different demographics.
Saving face How Donald Trump silenced the people who could expose his business failures
These tactics, which form a core element of his politics, were something I saw him hone firsthand in the 1980s and 1990s as Trumps company was imploding.
Even while he was suffering tremendous financial setbacks and precisely because he was suffering those setbacks these efforts show Trump in the desperate act of spinning a mythology about himself (rich) that would sweep aside the facts (broke). And he did it by imperiling the livelihood of his doubters, silencing them and inducing a chilling effect both in the press and among the very people who are supposed to protect investors from terrible gambles like Trumps businesses. If this self-promotion scheme had failed, Trump would never have become a reality-TV-starring symbol of business acumen. He would have skulked off into anonymity or ignominy, just another failed real estate developer and speculator.
His brand survived all that, and even thrived, because he wasnt just concocting tales of his greatness; he was also forcing others to repeat them, or at least not to contradict them. It was a strategy that more recently has paid off handsomely against onetime opponents like Sen. Lindsey Graham. Nobody can succeed on this scale simply by lying. Trumps greatest and most cynical skill, honed during the 1980s and 1990s, was learning how to win by silencing truth-tellers and suppressing the truth when it matters most.
(Emphasis mine)
Washington Post
It's long, but well worth the read.
She knocked it out of the park tonight!
And into the next zip code. It took me awhile to settle on a candidate, but every time I see Kamala she validates that decision. She's excellent at the town hall format; she engages with the individuals asking questions and with the audience. She'll make a great president, and I can't wait for the debates.
Speaking of debates, if she's the nominee, she'll reduce Trump into a blubbering, enraged idiot. It will be a thing of beauty!
Why Trump has denied Russian interference
Trump has insisted, again and again, that not only was there "no collusion," but there was no Russian interference in the election. Clearly, he thought any hint of interference would diminish his "victory."
Now, of course, he's crowing because the Mueller report supposedly "exonerates" him. But that report says something quite different. From the Washington Post:
And Mueller made abundantly clear: Russia wanted to help the Trump campaign, and the Trump campaign was willing to take it.
Although the investigation established that the Russian government perceived it would benefit from a Trump presidency and worked to secure that outcome, and that the Campaign expected it would benefit electorally from information stolen and released through Russian efforts, the investigation did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities, Muellers team wrote.
Washington Post
I haven't yet read the report, but it looks like Mueller's conclusions were a lot more nuanced, and much less exculpatory, than Barr's stunt today acting as Trump's personal attorney indicated.
"Russia wanted to help the Trump campaign, and the Trump campaign was willing to take it." There we have it.
Some good news about Notre Dame Cathedral.
ABC News
The headline seems misleading, it's live updates on the fire.
Trump has no public events on Monday
It seems he won't be taking part in any MLK celebrations.
Auntie Maxine. WOW! didn't know there was a Pearl Harbor conspiracy theory
But here it is, and as expected, breathtakingly stupid, so stupid that the wrong year is a minor mistake in contrast:
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