crickets's JournalThank you for the explanation.
Your post and one from Bernardo de La Paz have helped me understand the amount of contact needed for the bullet to do more damage. tfg himself has no idea how astronomically lucky he was.
I think I just watched too many Mythbusters episodes back in the day. 😆
Yikes, I am so glad your thigh wound was not more serious.
Collection of Visual Media & etc. from Rally Shooting
I don't know about you, but I'm frazzled trying to keep track of data & sources. Apologies that many of these are on X. Please feel free to add links & other sources in comments.
Video from just before shooting to car leaving (02:39)
Video BBC eyewitness interview (07:29)
Video SS snipers on rooftop (00:11) thanks to superpatriotman
Fast frame photos, NYT
Damaged teleprompter as source of glass shrapnel - Debunked. See post #8
POTUS statement
VP statement
Obama statement
There is absolutely no place for political violence in our democracy. Although we dont yet know exactly what happened, we should all be relieved that former President Trump wasnt seriously hurt, and use this moment to recommit ourselves to civility and respect in our politics. Michelle and I are wishing him a quick recovery.
7:44 PM · Jul 13, 2024
AP Live Updates
...and, of course 🙄
Condemnation Pours Out After Trump Rally Shooting. So Do Heated Allegations.
You and Beau are on the same page today.
Let's talk about Trump asking Biden for another debate...
This woman's message about Biden is FIRE and it needs to be heard and shared.
Dr. Tracy Pearson says everything I've been wanting to say for days now, dressing down both the media and certain Dems for their recent treatment of Biden, and I love every second of it. We as citizens voted in the primaries to choose Biden as our candidate and no one has the right to take that choice away from us. No one.
Also available on YouTube - see link below. Closed captions are provided.
Based on what? It's not even close.
Economic performance is stronger when Democrats hold the White House
(no paywall; includes lots o' data)
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth
Job growth
Unemployment rate
Growth in inflation-adjusted wages
Growth of market-based incomes per capita
Interest rates
This Democratic advantage is across the board in all variables we measure but strongest in private-sector outcomesnotably, business investment, job growth, and the growth of market-based incomes.
Household income growth (adjusted for inflation) was faster on average and far more equal during Democratic administrations, and the Democratic advantage shows up for every group. [snip]
As Blinder and Watson (2016) note in their abstract, the performance gap between Democratic and Republican administrations is so large, in fact, that it strains credulity, given how little influence over the economy most economists (or the Constitution, for that matter) assign to the president of the United States.
Good grief, there are so many things wrong with this picture.
The data mining angle to this is infuriating. Personal data privacy is a huge issue that has been ignored far too long. As for the monopolistic and predatory behavior of the major food suppliers and grocery chains: the FTC has made a start with their investigation and report. Now they need to get Congress to act on it.
Inflation? Ha. Excellent, though depressing, read on the corporate greed on display up and down every grocery aisle.
Just saw Eric Swalwell point out
that tfg may not be able to vote for himself this time around, now that he's a convicted felon. 😏
This has been going on for decades.
Some of the price hikes are precisely timed, and... timed collusion also has been going on for decades.
FTC, did you figure this out all by yourself? Way to go! Guys, look, they figured it out! Aren't we all proud? Give 'em a hand!
Of course. The entire discussion is hypothetical, and this is not the first time today
that someone has made the same point:
Jack Smith could stop Trump's immunity case COLD with one argument to SCOTUS
Joyce Vance:
[image text - "Why not take it a step further and tell the court that if Trump has the sort of broad immunity he claims he does, a president would be free to order the assassination of Supreme Court justices who disagree with him, and could not be prosecuted for doing that. Make the impact of Trump's argument unmistakeable."]
10:58 AM · Apr 24, 2024 · 50.8K Views
Somebody should point this out to SCOTUS, to put it in the record and to make them think about what presidential immunity really means. Every time I remember of some of the arguments being made today, I turn into a sputtering mess. It's so upsetting.
On a road trip today I heard Jessica
driving through the backwoods on the way to Athens. I remember thinking it had been a while. I so enjoyed it. The memory will be bittersweet, but more sweet than anything else.
Such a wonderful song.
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