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PCIntern's Journal
PCIntern's Journal
December 31, 2014

I'm almost 62 years of age and I LIKE my circumcision...

in fact I personally never met anyone who was dissatisfied with his circumcision or talked about it. Pretty much all of the women in my life were rather fond of my circumcision as well. Circumcision has been very very good to ME.

Just saying...since we have Orthodox "misccrean"t threads, and circumcision threads, I thought I'd post one of my own!

December 31, 2014

Another "Orthodox Jews were seen to "--fill in the blank--" thread today!

One could probably find, say 35 million examples of the equivalent DAILY, in countries like Saudi Arabia, Iran, and the like. But because Orthodox Jews are involved, it becomes a serious discussion. Now of course, I am NOT subscribing to their, IMO, idiotic rules in this modern society, but the dwelling upon JEWS is, well, somewhat disturbing and has become a trend around here. But of course, this post alone will lead to much sputtering, gasping, and pearl-clutching by many, including those who tell misogynisitic jokes when their wives/girlfriends,sisters leave the room, but then, who's counting?

Here's an exciting thread title: Two Jewish Physicians develop vaccines which end polio.

Here's another: Jewish Physicist wins Nobel Prize for the discovery and explication of the Photoelectric Effect and later proffers Theory of Special Relativity.

How about this one: Jewish actress to play Tiffany Case upon the return of Sean Connery to the Bond franchise

Or this: Jewish Baseball player named by Sports Illustrated Magazine as the Athlete of the Twentieth Century

While we're at it: Jewish Composer at sixteen years of age assisted by his twelve year old sister pens themes for Shakespeare's a Midsummer Night's Dream including the Wedding March used by couples for hundreds of years.

How's this: Jew sacrifices his life for his beliefs: is crucified by Romans and vanishes into air three days later. Disciples claim that he is the Son of God.

I haven't seen too many of these kinds of posts lately...

December 31, 2014

Well…this should provoke some discussion around here:


Police fatally shot a 52-year-old man Tuesday afternoon in Drexel Hill after he attempted to run them down with his vehicle, said Upper Darby Police Superintendent Michael Chitwood.

Officers had been trying to arrest the man, identified by a law enforcement source as Joseph A. Pacini of Clifton Heights, after he allegedly posted rants against local officers and federal agents on YouTube, Chitwood said.

"He threatened to kill police, threatened to kill FBI agents," Chitwood said.

After trailing him from Clifton Heights, officers pulled over Pacini's vehicle near the intersection of Garrett Road and Shadeland Avenue around 4:15 p.m. and ordered him from the car. Instead, Chitwood said, the suspect shifted his vehicle into reverse and struck the side of the marked police car.

Much much more, including a video of this guy at this link:

Read more at http://www.philly.com/philly/news/20141231_Police_investigating_Drexel_Hill_shooting.html#8TyVzpLR2CxfkkvM.99
December 30, 2014

Imagine if a Democratic Member of Congress spoke at the Annual Marx-Lenin Dinner:

He or she would be drawn and quartered before sunset.

(...and I'm not referring to Groucho Marx and John Lennon...)

December 25, 2014

I am now going to ruin your Christmas:

If you watch one of our favorite films, A Christmas Story, you will see that the bully, Scut Farkas, has orthodontic braces on his teeth. The close-up of him reveals that he has bonded brackets which did not exist in those days - they used circumferential metal bands. Bonding was thirty years in the future….actually there aren't too many anachronisms in the flick (pardon the pun).

But it's OK…it's one of the greatest American films ever made, and my personal hero-of-the-media Jean Shepherd deserves almost all of the credit. BTW, Shep in his personal life was one of the worst people around…he had essentially nothing to do with his own kids and abandoned his family of origin almost totally.

But professionally, he was one of the greatest monologuists in the history of the country.

December 24, 2014

Well, if Bond were black, I don't think Live and Let Die would have

been the same book, but of course, Fleming's character as he wrote him was Caucasian, or White, or Whatever we're calling it these days.

The point is of course that the franchise is welcome to take whatever artistic license it wants and as a fifty-year Bond aficionado, I welcome it and will be interested in its execution. For me, Connery WAS Bond because I was ten years old and like newborn ducks, I was quite impressionable. In my opinion however, I think that Craig's interpretation of Bond was true to the literary version, with the exception of hair color of course, and no comma of black hair falling across his forehead. Bond's literary persona was, upon analysis, most peculiar but until Craig, he was not the stone-cold near-sociopath of the books. There was also an excellent set of treatises with the theme being the great question, "Was James Bond gay?", with a multitude of intellectuals debating yea and nay. Those were heady times…

The first four pictures, IMO, were the best in terms of tightness of script, near-realism, gentle humor, and depth of character. The series became cartoonish when Roger Moore (whom I loved as The Saint) assumed the role - no fault of his, and just became more ridiculous as the scripts were more and more loosely based upon the books and short stories. The franchise is near-dead from a creative standpoint and needs a breath of fresh wind, the Doctor's Wind, as it were. Fellow fans will get the reference...

December 21, 2014

There goes Netanyahu again:

Netanyahu to expand minimum wage hike to civil servants

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu agreed on Sunday to increase the minimum wage for civil servants, mirroring an agreement reached earlier in the month between the Histadrut Labor Federation and industry leaders.

"I have instructed the Finance Ministry to allow a government-wide expansion of the minimum wage to NIS 5,000" a month, Netanyahu said following a meeting with the Histadrut.

The Histadrut had threatened a general strike the first week of September that would have shut down ports, schools, transportation and government services, but called off the strike threat as the government coalition collapsed. Instead of the NIS 5,300 minimum wage it was seeking in both the private and public sector, the Histadrut announced an agreement with the Presidency of Business Organizations, an umbrella industry group, to raise the wage to NIS 5,000 over two years.

Talks with then-Finance Minister Yair Lapid over including the public sector in the minimum wage rise were abandoned, however, when Netanyahu fired Lapid from the position. Lapid went on to accuse Netanyahu of scuttling a deal, which he said was close.

More at the link:

December 18, 2014

Um…who the Hell green-lighted this picture???

Is it really a GOOD IDEA in this frightening world to posit that two American Cornholios should go and assassinate a foreign leader at the behest of an agency of its own Government? Really? It would be one thing if it were one of those intriguing spy thrillers wherein the American or Brit has to save the life of a despised King-For-Life or President-For-Life in order to maintain balance or some other contrived crapola, but when I saw the trailer for the film and the commercials on TeeVee, I cringed in my clothes. We as Americans claim to be so deeply affected by the assassinations and attempted assassinations of our own prominent people, and then we are asked to pay money to see a film in which we seem to be drafting civilians into joining a comedy-based international death squad tasked with killing a leader of a foreign country? Really? Not just puerile, but downright stupid, and moronically conceived from the beginning.

December 7, 2014

Candy Crowley leaving CNN:

as per Hollywood Reporter…


It's funny: the line they used is that she "aided" President Obama during his debate with Mittster. That is the sum total of her career and not even entirely true.

December 7, 2014

Itzhak Perlman and Cantor Yitzhak Meir Helfgott on PBS tonight in Philly

with a wonderful concert with the Klezmer Conservatory Band.

Great art and artists…check your local listings.

Profile Information

Gender: Male
Hometown: Philly
Home country: USA!USA!USA!
Current location: Jersey Shore
Member since: Sun Feb 22, 2004, 09:01 AM
Number of posts: 26,002
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