SaschaHM's JournalNew NBCnews/WSJ/Marist Poll: Clinton 50, Sanders 46.
It's close, but close doesn't bode well when you need 65% of the remaining delegates in a proportional system and need landslides to achieve that.
Early exit polls are rolling in (Updating) (from MSNBC)
17% Black
10% under 30
43% White
46% Black
35% under 45
65% over 45
61% Want to continue Obama's Policies
31% prefer experience
14% Black
33% under 45
67% over 45.
Well well, if things didn't look eerily similar already..
Donald J. Trump Verified account
Bernie Sanders has been treated terribly by the Democratsboth with delegates & otherwise. He should show them, and run as an Independent!
Conspiracy theories, temper tantrums and even Bernie Math in a single tweet.
New PA Polls show Clinton leading by +15(NBCnews/WSJ/Marist) and +8(CBSnews)
PA better get ready to move to the Deep South!
Bernie Sanders' rally in Baltimore encapsulates his demographic problems
MaryAlice Parks Verified account
.@BernieSanders fans out for morning rally in Baltimore but big stadium partitioned to cut room in half
Baltimore, Md. 2010 census population (rank): 620,961 (21); Male: 292,249 (46.6%); Female: 328,712 (52.9%); White: 183,830 (29.6%); Black: 395,781 (63.7%);
Monmouth, Apr. 20 poll. Clinton 52% Sanders 39%. 26th is shaping up to be to be a good night.
Also off-topic: Harriet Tubman is going on the 20!!
NBC News/WSJ/Marist Poll: Hillary Clinton: 55 Bernie Sanders: 41
Another day, another great poll. Just released.
I'm guessing the Sanders campaign is rethinking the Vatican trip on Friday. You don't take 2 days off when your opponent is up by 14 points.
NY voter registration barely increases for both parties were 5,792,497 registered Democrats as of April 1 a puny increase of 14,037 since November, state Board of Elections show. The Republican Party had 2,731,688 members, up just 12,358 over the same period.
I guess someone didn't do their homework and register new voters before the deadline.
Nina Turner compares the support Hillary has among Congress and groups to the support of slavery
Sigh. Every damn day. A little background on this clip. Lawrence had Barney Frank and Nina Turner on tonight to debate their candidates. Barney began by stating how Hillary had the backing of the CBC, Planned Parenthood, HRC, Most of the Senate and much of the House. Nina's response... well see for yourself.
"There was a time in this country when the majority of folks thought slavery was ok, too"
You cannot make this up.
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