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TubbersUK's Journal
TubbersUK's Journal
February 20, 2016

Hillary Clinton Emails: Secret Negotiations With New York Times, Trade Bill Lobbying Revealed

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Hillary Clinton Emails: Secret Negotiations With New York Times, Trade Bill Lobbying Revealed In Latest State Department Release

The latest batch of emails dating back to Hillary Clinton’s tenure as U.S. secretary of state shows her appearing to lobby members of the Senate on controversial trade bills and her office communicating with the New York Times about holding a sensitive article. The State Department release of documents on her private email server Friday came the day before the Democratic presidential candidate heads into the Nevada caucuses.

Other emails show Clinton seeming to personally lobby her former Democratic colleagues in the Senate to support free trade agreements (FTAs) with Colombia, Panama and South Korea. She had previously told voters she would work to block the Colombian and South Korean pacts.

An email Oct. 8, 2011, to Clinton from her aide Huma Abedin gave notes about the state of play in Congress on the proposed trade pacts. The notes provided Clinton “some background before you make the calls” to legislators.

Two days later in an email titled “FTA calls,” Clinton wrote to aides indicating she had spoken to Sens. Jack Reed of Rhode Island and Jim Webb of Virginia, both Democrats. She told the aides she had talked with “Webb who is strong in favor of all 3” trade agreements, and then asked, “So why did I call him?” — indicating she was otherwise phoning to try to convince wavering lawmakers to support the deals.

Only three years earlier, Clinton wooed organized labor during her presidential campaign with promises to oppose those same deals. She called the South Korea agreement “inherently unfair.” She also said, “I will do everything I can to urge the Congress to reject the Colombia Free Trade Agreement.” Clinton has lately courted organized labor’s support for her current presidential bid by pledging to oppose the 12-nation Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement, a deal she repeatedly touted while secretary of state.

February 20, 2016

Hillary Clinton Emails: Secret Negotiations With New York Times, Trade Bill Lobbying Revealed

Hillary Clinton Emails: Secret Negotiations With New York Times, Trade Bill Lobbying Revealed In Latest State Department Release

The latest batch of emails dating back to Hillary Clinton’s tenure as U.S. secretary of state shows her appearing to lobby members of the Senate on controversial trade bills and her office communicating with the New York Times about holding a sensitive article. The State Department release of documents on her private email server Friday came the day before the Democratic presidential candidate heads into the Nevada caucuses.

Other emails show Clinton seeming to personally lobby her former Democratic colleagues in the Senate to support free trade agreements (FTAs) with Colombia, Panama and South Korea. She had previously told voters she would work to block the Colombian and South Korean pacts.

An email Oct. 8, 2011, to Clinton from her aide Huma Abedin gave notes about the state of play in Congress on the proposed trade pacts. The notes provided Clinton “some background before you make the calls” to legislators.

Two days later in an email titled “FTA calls,” Clinton wrote to aides indicating she had spoken to Sens. Jack Reed of Rhode Island and Jim Webb of Virginia, both Democrats. She told the aides she had talked with “Webb who is strong in favor of all 3” trade agreements, and then asked, “So why did I call him?” — indicating she was otherwise phoning to try to convince wavering lawmakers to support the deals.

Only three years earlier, Clinton wooed organized labor during her presidential campaign with promises to oppose those same deals. She called the South Korea agreement “inherently unfair.” She also said, “I will do everything I can to urge the Congress to reject the Colombia Free Trade Agreement.” Clinton has lately courted organized labor’s support for her current presidential bid by pledging to oppose the 12-nation Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement, a deal she repeatedly touted while secretary of state.

February 18, 2016

Brock warns of ‘slippery slope’ on Clinton disclosures

Asking for Hillary Clinton’s transcripts from her paid speeches to Goldman Sachs “could be a slippery slope” for even more requests, one of the candidate’s top surrogates insisted Thursday.
“I think there’s nothing to hide, but I think that could be a slippery slope and we could end up asking for all sorts of things,” David Brock, the founder of the pro-Clinton Correct the Record PAC, said in an interview with MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.”

In defending Clinton’s paid speeches to Goldman Sachs, in particular, Brock cited former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, who embarked on his own speaking tour prior to running for the Republican nomination in 2008.
“She got fair market value for her speeches. She made that decision,” he said, remarking that it is up to Clinton and her campaign to decide whether to release the transcripts.


February 17, 2016

Hillary Clinton’s black conversion

FAILING TO win white voters in New Hampshire, Hillary Clinton needs her black firewall like never before. Her speech yesterday in Harlem touched on criminal justice and economic opportunity. Those remarks follow a stop in majority-black Flint, Mich., to decry its lead-water crisis, and a debate in segregated Milwaukee, where she pledged to “tackle” discrimination. She also took a shot at Bernie Sanders’ criticism of Wall Street with the question: “If we broke up the big banks tomorrow, would that end racism?”

Never mind that Wall Street investors and bankers play a huge role in discriminatory redlining, predatory lending, and foreclosures. Clinton, who earned an estimated $1.8 million in big-bank speaking fees in 2013 and 2014, shamelessly counts on blacks for support while she is engaged with the system that holds back the aspirations of too many black people. She is hoping that no one remembers how husband Bill put the black poor before the criminal-justice firing squad and how she is in bed with the big banks that stole the American dream from black homeowners.

Eight years later, she is again watching a coronation become a conundrum of her own centrist making. Sanders has begun to campaign seriously in black communities, with a brand of democratic socialism that is starting to earn black endorsements, including from writer Ta-Nehisi Coates.

That is not yet enough to suggest that Clinton will lose South Carolina. But she is running on a fundamental and untenable racial contradiction. She claims she will fight “systemic racism” at a time when the system and Bill’s role in it is under a fresh microscope from a new generation represented by the Black Lives Matter movement. At some point, the firewall cannot hold back the flames the Clintons fanned

February 17, 2016

Pie-in-the-sky Sanders more realistic than Clinton: Kirsten Powers

How do you solve a problem like Bernie?

Belatedly appreciating the Sanders threat, Hillary Clinton is trying everything to stop the septuagenarian socialist democrat from Vermont. She has attacked his position on guns, his support for a single-payer health care system and his idealistic penchant for believing that Washington can be changed. Nothing has proved to be the silver bullet that would take out the unlikely spoiler of the second almost-coronation of Hillary Clinton. So, what’s next? Sanders himself predicted at his New Hampshire victory speech that soon the kitchen sink would be coming his way.

Just so we’re clear: Sanders is an unserious pie-in-the-sky candidate because he wants to rein in campaign spending and institute a health care system that is commonplace in Europe. Clinton, on the other hand, will eradicate sexism and racism in America. Who’s the dreamer here? After all, Clinton can’t even keep her own campaign surrogates — Gloria Steinem and Madeleine Albright — from taking sexist swipes at young female Bernie supporters.

In its latest reframing of reality, the Clinton campaign is lowering expectations for the Nevada Democratic caucuses Saturday, claiming the state is “80% white” and thus will favor Sanders. Actually, Democratic caucus voters in 2008 were 36% non-white. Moreover, the demographics of the state are exactly the same as when Nevada was being cast as Clinton’s “Western firewall.”

Where the Clinton campaign might be right is that the state could end up favoring her opponent. Bernie is a problem Hillary can’t figure out how to solve, perhaps because he’s not the problem. She is.

February 17, 2016

Poll: Clinton, Sanders in a dead heat for Nevada

Washington (CNN)Likely Democratic caucusgoers in Nevada are split almost evenly between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders ahead of Saturday's caucuses, according to a new CNN/ORC Poll.

Though Clinton holds an edge over Sanders on handling a range of top issues, the results suggest the extremely close race hinges on divided opinions on the economy.

Overall, 48% of likely caucus attendees say they support Clinton, 47% Sanders. Both candidates carry their demographic strong points from prior states into Nevada, with Clinton holding an edge among women, while Sanders tops the former secretary of state among voters under age 55.

READ: The complete CNN/ORC poll results

February 16, 2016

Clinton makes pre-Super Tuesday cash dash

ATLANTA — Hillary Clinton’s top bundlers and donors are reconciling themselves to a jarring new reality: The money advantage that they had long taken for granted is unlikely to last — and the campaign might even be outraised by Bernie Sanders’ over the rest of the primary season.
Now, with two weeks left before Super Tuesday and the prospect of an extended contest ahead, they’re girding for a suddenly crucial late-February fundraising sprint they hope will keep pace with Sanders’ blazing clip.

“They now know this is going to be a fight as prolonged as the Obama ’08 fight was,” said former Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell, a longtime Clinton ally and former Democratic National Committee chairman who’s helped with Clinton’s fundraising, echoing a theme that arose in conversations with more than a dozen people close to the Clinton finance operation. “It’s clear to me that this race will not be decided by who has the most money.

If Clinton can pull off a series of convincing victories — or at least not allow Sanders to collect headline-grabbing wins — in the March states, bundlers expect her own online fundraising to start picking up, on top of the campaign support they’re expecting in increased measure from the main pro-Clinton super PAC, Priorities USA Action, and a handful of advocacy groups and unions that have endorsed her. (The SEIU’s political arm, for example, reported spending $100,000 between Nevada and South Carolina on Sunday.)
That surge, they hope, would help their candidate maintain her cash-on-hand advantage over Sanders, who has had to spend heavily to build up his national campaign quickly.
Should Sanders start to roll up wins in March states, however, some Clinton allies worry that Clinton could start to run low on money as the campaign drags on, while her opponent’s coffers keep filling up.
“Now Sanders goes into South Carolina and March 1st restocked, while the Clinton camp has to figure out how to win those states frugally,” warned one former aide who stays in touch with the campaign team.
“Nothing raises more small-dollar contributions [than] seeing a guy delivering a victory speech week in and week out.”

February 15, 2016

Hillary Clinton isn’t a feminist; she is just politically ambitious

As the presidential election campaign in the United States heats up, the question of whether America is ready for a female president has arisen, given that Hillary Clinton is a serious contender in the race.

This question has become even more pertinent as one of the front-runners in the Republican Party is the misogynistic, racist, xenophobic and narcissistic Donald Trump, who has turned his campaign into a C-grade reality TV show, complete with swear words and derogatory names for women.

Surprisingly, Hillary Clinton’s candidacy has divided, rather than united, women. Younger women, it appears, prefer the other Democratic Party candidate, the left-leaning, anti-war Bernie Sanders, whose popularity seems to be rising.

Older feminists who are in Hillary’s age-group, such as the iconic Gloria Steinem, are supporting her simply because she is a woman, as they believe it is time that the world’s only superpower had a woman at the helm.

However, many younger women have refused to buy this argument, not because they do not believe in gender equality, but because they are not convinced that having a “token” woman in the White House is enough to bring about a significant change in the current world order.

February 15, 2016

Hillary Clinton brought this on herself: How a Democratic primary coronation turned into a war

Over the past week, a hurricane seems to have hit the shores of Hillaryland. After suffering a landslide defeat in New Hampshire, the Clinton campaign is trying to figure out how to stop the growing storm that is Bernie Sanders. There have been reports that Hillary Clinton is planning to reorganize and hire some new staffers, while many supporters are starting to seriously worry about the campaign’s message, or lack thereof. Though members of the Clinton camp have denied any serious problems within the campaign, it is all reminiscent of 2008, when staff infighting and the rise of Obama doomed Clinton’s run.

Whether Sanders can maintain his early success is doubtful, but the fact that he has made it this far is bad enough for Clinton. And the ill-advised comments from Gloria Steinem and former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright did not help her with another quandary she faces in capturing the support of young voters. In a Daily Beast article with the amusingly melodramatic headline, “Did Bernie Just Poison Hillary 2016?,” reporters Betsy Woodruff and Jackie Kucinich write:

“Even though [Sanders is] still a long shot to snag the nomination, his candidacy is persuading young voters, women, and progressives that Clinton is in the pocket of big banks and corrupt corporations—and it’s persuading Clinton’s own supporters that they’re on the sadder side of this contest.”

February 14, 2016

'Not just a protest candidate': Sanders draws thousands to Las Vegas rally

Several thousand Democrats stood in a line wrapped around a high school football stadium on Sunday, in hopes of seeing Bernie Sanders speak in west Las Vegas.

The venue, Bonanza high school gymnasium, was filled to capacity. Nevada holds its Democratic caucus on Saturday 20 February, and those who queued up included campaign volunteers from California, military veterans, nurses, and workers from the Vegas Strip.

Rohan Ramadas, 26, and his friend Pear Wilson, 30, had driven from Los Angeles to canvas for Sanders in pivotal Clark County, which is home to 2 million of Nevada’s 2.8 million residents. It was the first time either of the college graduates had donated time and money to a political campaign.

They decided to get involved this past summer, Ramadas said, when it became clear Sanders “wasn’t just a protest candidate”.

John Major, 57, who spent 23 years in the US coast guard, arrived by himself.

“I’m worried about the status of the country,” he said. “The infrastructure falling apart, the student debts that kids are building up because of the system now. It wasn’t like that when I grew up.”

Clinton’s campaign has tried to temper expectations that it would dominate the Nevada caucus, a shocking turnabout in a state it once considered a potential firewall against Sanders’ momentum. Iowa and New Hampshire are both more than 90% white, which has allowed Clinton to argue that Nevada – and its 25% minority population – offers a more accurate reflection of the voting bloc Democrats need to win the general election.

Sanders’ campaign message has struggled to break through Clinton’s long-held support in black and Latino communities. But his campaign now says millennial Latinos are galvanizing support among Hispanics.

“We’re going to surprise a lot of people,” said Cesar Vargas, Sanders’ Latino outreach strategist. “We’re seeing amazing energy in Nevada that is really reflective of what we’re seeing across the country.

“High school students are getting active and literally dragging their families to get registered. On college campuses in Vegas and Reno we’re seeing a really organic grassroots coalition for Bernie. We are demonstrating that there is no firewall.”


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