Luz's JournalBREAKING: A verdict has been reached in the Darrell Brooks trial.
Court will reconvene at 10:45 a.m. for the reading.
A bailout for the Texas energy market? A domino effect is happening related to the crazy electric bills some Texas customers have been recently receiving.
Now, certain retail electric providers cant pay the money they owe to ERCOT and are getting cut out of the grid. Some experts said a government bailout could be the only solution.
Somewhere along the line, taxpayers will foot this bill.
So I guess that's it? With a whimper not a bang? The extra
$600 unemployment stops today. My income will drop to $220 a week. I'm 60, taking care of my spouse and myself. My job is gone and not coming back. I'm in a hot city, no one is hiring. We're short of an early retirement by a year or so. Without extra help there is no hope of making it out alive. We will be wiped out and homeless.
I'm beyond stressed and frightened.
I'm one of 25 million stories.
It's been 10 days since trumps Tulsa rally. Anyone know
if their numbers are starting to rise?
CDC retesting patient for coronavirus after being released
from isolation in San Antonio.
The patient did have contact with others while outside of isolation, health officials say.
Tested negative two times before being released.
The other committees on impeachment?
In the beginning Speaker Pelosi charged six committees with the task. Those being the Financial Services, the Judiciary, Intelligence, Foreign Affairs, Oversight and Reform, and Ways and Means.
We've heard from two of them. Are the other committees still working on the investigations? Will there/could there be more charges from them? Help me understsnd their role, please.
The Palin's are not trash.
I keep seeing the same sentiments repeated on DU constantly. Just because her son has mental problems doesn't make them trash.
Other things that brood does surely makes them trashy, but not a mentally ill child.
Don't forget folks. Harvey is still pounding the Texas coast
in the Beaumont/Port Arthur area. Massive flooding with more rain forcast for tonight.
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